this place is not a place of honor, anno 2024-02-18, 21:36:32
ctrl-f something and you might get lucky (or use the TOC below)
you may also be interested in the plaintext edition or the php
# s9 kvit
# link in dependencies (cdiff, dircmp, )
echo "${FILE%%.*}" example
echo "${FILE%.*}" example.tar
echo "${FILE#*.}" tar.gz
echo "${FILE##*.}" gz
{ { echo "this is stdout"; echo "this is stderr" >&2; } > >( tee -a tmp2.sout ) 2> >( tee -a tmp2.serr >&2 ); } >tmp.sout 2>tmp.serr
cat tmp.sout | sed 's/^/STDOUT 1 /'; cat tmp.serr | sed 's/^/STDERR 1 /'; cat tmp2.sout | sed 's/^/STDOUT 2 /'; cat tmp2.serr | sed 's/^/STDERR 2 /';
SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
ls {.[!.]*,..?*}
tee < your.tar >(sha1sum >/dev/shm/f2) >(sha256sum >/dev/shm/f3) | md5sum >/dev/shm/f1; cat /dev/shm/f{1,2,3}
# usage: banner 34 your message here
# breaks scrolling
banner() { local p=$1; shift; printf '\033[%s' s 2r H "0;1;44m> $*..." K "1;999H" 3D$p% u >&2; printf '\n\033[7m[%s%%] %s \033[K\n\033[27m' $p "$*" >&2; }; unbanner() { printf '\033[%s' s r u; }
# usage: banner 34 your message here
# scrolling works, text selection may be wonky, needs tput (ncurses)
banner() { local p=$1 h=$(tput lines); shift; printf '\033[%s' s "1;$((h-1))r" ${h}H "0;1;44m> $*..." K "$h;999H" 3D$p% u B A >&2; printf '\n\033[7m[%s%%] %s \033[K\n\033[27m' $p "$*" >&2; }; unbanner() { printf '\033[%s' s r u; }
echo; for n in 5 4 3 2 1 ; do printf '%s...\n' $n; sleep 0.7; done; printf '\033[4A\033[J'; t0=$(date +%s%N); while ! read -t0.1; do t=$(date +%s%N); printf '\033[A'; echo $((t-t0)) | sed -r 's/(.{3}).{6}$/.\1 /'; done
echo; for n in 4 3 2 1; do printf '%s... ' $n; sleep 0.7; done; printf '\r%10s%10s%15s%15s\n\n' total lap unix_now lap_start; t0=$(date +%s%N); t1=$t0; while true; do while ! read -t0.025; do t=$(date +%s%N); printf '\033[A'; for v in $((t-t0)) $((t-t1)) $t $t1; do printf ' %5d.%2s' "${v::${#v}-9}" "${v:${#v}-9:2}"; done; printf '\033[J\n'; done; t1=$t; done
ts=0; on=; echo press a key; while true; do read -rn1 -t0.05 && k=1 || k=; t=$(date +%s%N); ((k)) && [ -z "$REPLY" ] && { on=; ts=0; }; td=$((ts+t-t0)); ((on)) && printf '\033[A\r%d.%2s\033[J\n' "${td::${#td}-9}" "${td:${#td}-9:2}"; ((k)) && { on=$((1-on)); (($on)) && t0=$t || ts=$((ts+t-t0)); }; done
# bonus perl port for machines with ancient bash versions such as macos
stty -icanon || stty -f /dev/stdin -icanon && perl -e 'use strict; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep gettimeofday); use IO::Select; my $sel=IO::Select->new(); $sel->add(*STDIN); my ($ts,$on,$t0,$td)=(0)x4; print "\n"; while (1){ my $k=0; if($sel->can_read(.02)) {sysread(STDIN,$k,1)} my $t=int(gettimeofday*100)/100; if($k eq "\n") {$on=0;$ts=0} $td=($ts+$t-$t0); if($on){printf "\033[A\r%.2f\033[J\n",$td} if($k){$on=1-$on; if($on){$t0=$t}else{$ts=($ts+$t-$t0)}}}'
function ipwhois_ripe() { { printf '%s\n' $1; sleep 1; } | ncat 43; }; function ipwhois_apnic() { { printf '%s\n' $1; sleep 1; } | ncat 43; }
# if your bash is dangerously old (mac osx), 74% cpu load
while true; do read -t0.0167; v=$(date +%s); [ $v = "$ov" ] && continue; ov=$v; c=$((v%7)); printf "\033[H\033[1;37;4${c}m\033[J\n$v\n"; done
# ...or if you have bash >= 4.2 (1.4% load)
while true; do read -t0.0167; printf -v v '%(%s)T' -1; [ $v = "$ov" ] && continue; ov=$v; c=$((v%7)); printf "\033[H\033[1;37;4${c}m\033[J\n$v\n"; done
# ...or even better, perl (0.2% load)
perl -e 'use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); my $ov=-1; while (1) {usleep(16700); my $v=time(); if ($v==$ov) {next} $ov=$v; printf "\033[H\033[1;37;4%dm\033[J\n%d\n",$v%7,$v}'
# ...or if you want iso8601 and msec and can afford the bandwidth
perl -e 'use POSIX qw(strftime); use Time::HiRes qw(usleep gettimeofday); while (1) {usleep(16700); my ($v,$uv)=gettimeofday; printf "\033[H\033[1;37;4%dm\033[J%s.%03d\n",$v%7,strftime("%F\n%T", localtime($v)),$uv/1000}'
# the client,
while true; do awk '{printf $1" "}' /proc/uptime; date +%s.%N; sleep 1; done
# the server,
while read x; do awk -vw=$(date +%s.%N) -vr="$x" '{print r " " $1 " " w}' /proc/uptime; done | awk 'NF!=4{next} !lm0{rm0=$1;rw0=$2;lm0=$3;lw0=$4;dm0=lm0-rm0;dw0=lw0-rw0} {dm=$3-$1;dw=$4-$2;printf "drift: %5.2fu %6.3fw Tu: %.2f %.2f Tw: %.3f %.3f u: %.2f %.2f w: %.3f %.3f diff: %.2f %.3f\n",dm-dm0,dw-dw0,$1-rm0,$3-lm0,$2-rw0,$4-lw0,$1,$3,$2,$4,dm,dw}'
# usage: cat | ssh 'cat >; bash' | ./
# also see
clear; [ -e /dev/shm ] && a=w || a=b; while true; do printf '\033[10H'; head -c 1000 /dev/urandom | base64 -$a 72 | sed "$(printf 's/^/\033[40G/g')"; read -u1 -n1 -r; done
# expects [h:]m:]s, example: tsum 04:20 39:42 1:23:45
tsum() { local p='s/0?(.+):0?([0-9]+)/(\1*60+\2)/;' ts=0 h=0 m=0 s=0; for orig in $@; do s=$(echo $orig | sed -r "$p$p"); ts=$((ts+s)); h=$((ts/(60*60))); s=$((ts-h*60*60)); m=$((s/60)); s=$((s-m*60)); printf '%7s %d:%02d:%02d %s\n' $orig $h $m $s $ts; done; }
# change color with digit keys
r() { read -n1 -r c; [ "$c" = "$1" ]; }; b=2; stty -echo -icanon; printf '\033[H\033[0m\033[J\033[?1003h'; while true; do r $'\033' || { printf '%s\n' "$c" | grep -qE '[0-7]' && b=$c; continue; }; r \[ || continue; r "M" || continue; r "@" && d=y || d=; read z x y z < <(head -c 2 | hexdump -C); [ $d ] || continue; printf '\033[%d;%dH\033[1;4%dm \033[0m\033[D' $((0x${y}-32)) $((0x${x}-32)) $b; done
# BONUS CONTENT: the mouse tracking visualizer
printf '\033[?1003h'; h='3/1 "%02x" " " '; t='" " 6/1 "%_p"'; stty -echo -icanon; hexdump -e '"%06.6_ao "'" $h$h " -e "$t"' "\n"'
# bonus content #2, balou23 on HN optimized it a bit:
p(){ for i;do printf "\e[$i";done;};r(){ read -rn1 c;[[ $c = $1 ]];};stty -echo cbreak;p H m J ?1003h;trap 'p ?1003l' 0;while d=;do r $'\e'||{ [[ $c =~ [0-7] ]]&&b=$c;continue;};r \[||continue;r M||continue;r @&&d=y;read _ x y _< <(head -c2|od -tu1);[ $d ]&&p "$((y-32));$((x-32))H" "4${b-2}m " m D;done
echo; for l in {0..1}; do for f in {0..7}; do for b in {0..7}; do echo -ne "\033[$l;4$b;3${f}m SINEP \033[0m "; done; echo; done; echo; done
w=$(tput cols); echo; while true; do n=$(deadbeef --nowplaying '%e %l' 2>/dev/null | sed -r "s/^0*(..*):0*(..*) 0*(..*):0*(..*)$/($w*(60*\1+\2))\/(60*\3+\4)\n/" | bc); [[ $n != $on ]] && { printf '\033[A'; on=$n; head -c $n /dev/zero | tr '\0' '>'; echo; }; sleep 0.5; done
hexdump -C dump.bin | head | sed -r 's/^([^ ]*) (.{48}) /\1\r\2\r/' | while IFS=$'\r\n' read -r ofs hex asc; do echo -ne "$ofs "; echo -ne "$hex" | sed -r 's/ / FF /;s/(..) ?/0x\1 \1 /g;s/.*/printf "SC%dm %s " &/e' | sed -r "s/ ?SC/$(echo -ne "\033[38;5;")/g"; echo -ne "\033[0m"; echo " $asc"; done
root@nitor:~# dpkg --get-selections > packages-dpkg-get-selections-new
root@nitor:~# dpkg-query -l > packages-dpkg-query-l-new
fail2ban-client set nginx-botsearch unbanip $IP
f="/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-botsearch.conf"; while true; do t=$(stat -c%Y "$f"); sleep 0.5; [[ $t -eq $ot ]] && continue; ot=$t; fail2ban-regex /var/log/nginx/error.log "$f" "$f"; done
cryptsetup --tries 1 luksOpen --allow-discards /dev/md0 enc_root
find /proc -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -name exe -printf '%p %l\n' 2>/dev/null | grep -E 'exe .* \(deleted\)' | tee /dev/stderr | sed -r 's@^/proc/@@;s@/.*@@' | while read pid; do kill -9 $pid; done
cat /etc/group /etc/passwd | sed -r 's/:.*//' | sort | uniq | while IFS= read n; do u=$(grep -E "^$n:" /etc/passwd | sed -r 's/[^:]*:[^:]*://;s/:.*//'); g=$(grep -E "^$n:" /etc/group | sed -r 's/[^:]*:[^:]*://;s/:.*//'); printf '%s / %s / %s\n' "$u" "$g" "$n"; done | sort -n | awk '{c=1} $1==$3 {c=2} {printf "\033[3%sm%s\033[0m\n", c, $0}'
chmod 700 /root/.ssh/
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/*
restorecon -R -v /root/.ssh/
for n in {1..7}; do find -perm -${n}00 -and -not -perm -0${n}0 -exec chmod +0${n}0 '{}' \+; done
setfacl -d -m u::rw somefoldere
sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
find /proc/ -maxdepth 3 -type l -printf '%p %l\n' 2>/dev/null | grep /mnt/nas
lsof /mnt/nas | tee /dev/stderr | awk 'NR==1&&$2!="PID" {echo "unexpected-lsof-output";exit} NR>1{print $2, $1}' | while read -r pid cmd; do bin=/proc/$pid/exe && ls -al /proc/$pid/fd && printf '\nCMD: ' && tr '\0' ' ' </proc/$pid/cmdline && readlink /proc/$pid/exe | grep -qE "(^|/)$cmd$" && printf '\n\nkill it? ' && read -u1 -r && kill $pid; done
while true; do sum="$(find /etc/nginx -iname \*.conf -printf '%T@\n' | md5sum)"; sleep 0.2; [[ "x$sum" == "x$osum" ]] && continue; osum="$sum"; systemctl restart nginx; systemctl status nginx.service | cat; wget -SO /dev/null; sleep 0.2; done
export DISPLAY=localhost:0:0; xset s activate; xset s off
wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
c=$(which xsel) || c=$(which xclip); while true; do sleep 0.1; h="$($c -o | tee /dev/shm/clc | md5sum)"; [ "$h" = "$oh" ] && continue; oh="$h"; cat /dev/shm/clc; echo; done
srv> x11vnc -findauth
# XAUTHORITY=/var/run/lightdm/root/:0
cli> ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 srv 'x11vnc -nopw -noxrecord -snapfb -safer -nocmds -localhost -display :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0'
cli> gvncviewer
# -noxrecord is a workaround for x11vnc "stack smashing detected" on popup windows
# -snapfb is a massive speedboost on this particular laptop (usually it's worse)
iwconfig $(iwconfig 2>&1 | awk '/ESSID:/ {print $1}') power off
title='^[^ ]+$'
# get screen dimensions
read sw wh <<<$(xrandr | grep -E '^Screen 0: ' | head -n 1 | sed -r 's/.* current //;s/, .*//;s/ x / /')
# get window dimensions
eval $(xdotool search --name "$title" getwindowgeometry --shell)
# move window to top-right corner (x=screen-window, y=-13)
xdotool search --name "$title" windowmove -- $((sw-WIDTH)) -13
ls -1 *.so* | while IFS= read -r x; do readelf -d "$x" | grep -E 'Library rpath: ' > /dev/shm/rpathtmp ; [ -s /dev/shm/rpathtmp ] && { echo "$x"; chrpath -d "$x"; patchelf --set-rpath "$(cat /dev/shm/rpathtmp | sed 's/.*Library rpath: .//;s/.$//')" "$x" ; }; done
ls -1 | grep -E '\.so' | while IFS= read -r x; do echo; echo "$x"; readelf -d "$x" | grep -E '\(R.?.?PATH\)'; done
ls -1 | grep -E '\.so$' | while IFS= read -r x; do patchelf --force-rpath --set-rpath ../lib "$x"; done
{ find -iname \*.a; find -iname \*.so; } | while IFS= read x; do arg=''; [ ${x:(-2)} == so ] && arg=-D; nm -f posix $arg "$x" | c++filt | grep std:: | while IFS= read -r y; do printf '%s: \033[1;33m%s\033[0m\n' "$x" "$y"; done; done | LANG=C sort -u > all_symbols
gdb -ex "set pagination 0" -ex "thread apply all backtrace" -batch -p $pid | grep -vE '^Thr' | tr '\n' '\r' | sed 's/\r\r/\n/g' | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '%s %s\n' "$(printf '%s' "$x" | md5sum)" "$(printf '%s' "$x" | sed 's/\r/ --- /g')"; done | sort | uniq -cw32 | sort -n | sed 's/ --- /\n/g'
function mon() { port=$1; stdbuf -oL tcpdump -i lo -Alnq 'tcp port '$port' and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)' | sed -r "s/^([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{6} IP [0-9\.]+\.$port > [0-9\.]+: tcp [0-9]+)$/$(printf '\033[1;31m\\1')/;s/^([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{6} IP [0-9\.]+ > [0-9\.]+\.$port: tcp [0-9]+)$/$(printf '\033[1;33m\\1')/;"; }; mon 8080
mv mysql.sock mysql.sockorig
socat -t100 -x -v UNIX-LISTEN:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock,mode=777,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sockorig
# "randomly" sample a really busy tcp connection by picking packets based on seqno
/Applications/ -i lo0 -f 'tcp port 3923 and tcp[5]%8==0'
rm /dev/shm/*.pingr; for ip in {0..255}; do ping -w 1 -c 1 192.168.0.$ip 2>&1 | grep -E 'packets transmitted' | sed -r "s/^/$ip /" > /dev/shm/$ip.pingr & done ; sleep 0.5; for x in {1..2}; do printf 'Up: '; grep -h '1 received' /dev/shm/*.pingr | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -n | tr '\n' ' '; printf '\nDown: '; grep -h '0 received' /dev/shm/*.pingr | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -n | tr '\n' ' '; echo; sleep 1; done
tc qdisc add dev enp3s0 root tbf rate 16mbit latency 50ms burst 1540
# reset/disable rate-limiting
tc qdisc del dev enp3s0 root
# first start some servers; you'll want
python3 --tftp 3969 -q # tcp3923/udp3969 server
socat tcp4-l:3921,fork,reuseaddr exec:/bin/cat # tcp3921 echo-server
# then connect to the servers using any of the below (replace with server ip) which prints a newline if latency d>0.04 sec:
# udp-client (curl-to-copyparty; hold ctrl-c to exit)
printf '\n\n';while true;do read -t0.006;timeout 0.1 curl -s tftp://;done|awk '/^# per/{f="/proc/uptime";getline n<f;close(f);sub(/ .*/,"",n);d=n-p;p=n;printf"\033[A%.2f %.2f\n",n,d;if(d>0.04)print""}'
# tcp-client (curl-to-copyparty; new connection for each packet)
printf '\n\n';while true;do read -t0.006;curl -s;done|awk '/^<head>$/{f="/proc/uptime";getline n<f;close(f);sub(/ .*/,"",n);d=n-p;p=n;printf"\033[A%.2f %.2f\n",n,d;if(d>0.04)print""}'
# tcp-client (socat-to-socat; new connection for each packet)
printf '\n\n';while true;do read -t0.006;printf 'a\n'|socat - tcp4:;done|awk '/^a$/{f="/proc/uptime";getline n<f;close(f);sub(/ .*/,"",n);d=n-p;p=n;printf"\033[A%.2f %.2f\n",n,d;if(d>0.04)print""}'
# tcp-client (socat-to-socat; one persistent connection)
printf '\n\n';while true;do read -t0.006;printf 'a\n';done|socat - tcp4:|awk '/^a$/{f="/proc/uptime";getline n<f;close(f);sub(/ .*/,"",n);d=n-p;p=n;printf"\033[A%.2f %.2f\n",n,d;if(d>0.04)print""}'
while true; do n=$(ifconfig | grep 'RX bytes' | head -n 1 | sed 's/[^:]*://;s/ .*//'); d=$(( n - o )); d=$(( d / 1024 )); o=$n; echo "$n $d"; sleep 1; done | sed -r 's/(.*)(...)(...)(...) /\1.\2.\3.\4 /'
while true; do cat /proc/net/snmp ; sleep 0.5; done | awk '$1 == "Udp:" && $2 != "InDatagrams" {id=$2-il; od=$5-ol; il=$2; ol=$5; idd=id-idl; odd=od-odl; idl=id; odl=od; iddp=int((idd*100)/(id+1)); oddp=int((odd*100)/(od+1)); printf "%s %s %6s %6s %6s %6s %5s%% %4s%%\n", $2, $5, id, od, idd, odd, iddp, oddp}'
# on certain kernels where the 4 last columns drop to 0 frequently, increase sd to 1
clear; sd=0.5; while true; do sed 's/:/: /' </proc/net/dev; sleep $sd; done | awk '$1~/[^:]$/{if(!blank){blank=1;printf "\033[K\n\033[K\033[H\033[1;31m%12s \033[33m%12s %12s \033[31m%12s %12s \033[33m%8s %6s \033[31m%8s %6s\033[K\n", "device", "Rx_kbyte", "Rx_pkts", "Tx_kbyte", "Tx_pkts", "Rx[kb/s", "pk/s]", "Tx[kb/s", "pk/s]"}next} {blank=0; dev=$1; sub(/:$/,"",dev); pdev=substr(dev,length(dev)-11,length(dev)); cib=$2; cip=$3; cob=$10; cop=$11; dib=cib-ib[dev]; dip=cip-ip[dev]; dob=cob-ob[dev]; dop=cop-op[dev]; ib[dev]=cib; ip[dev]=cip; ob[dev]=cob; op[dev]=cop; printf "%12s \033[33m%12d %12d \033[31m%12d %12d \033[33m%8d %6d \033[31m%8d %6d\033[K\n", pdev, cib/1024, cip, cob/1024, cop, dib/(1024*'$sd'), dip/'$sd', dob/(1024*'$sd'), dop/'$sd'}'
cd /proc/$(pidof deadbeef) && while true; do IFS=' ' read -r usr krn <<< $(cat stat | cut -d' ' -f14,15); dusr=$((usr-ousr)); dkrn=$((krn-okrn)); ousr=$usr; okrn=$krn; dtot=$((dusr+dkrn)); printf '%s %6d %5d %3d %3d %3d\n' "$(date +%s.%N)" "$usr" "$krn" "$dusr" "$dkrn" "$dtot"; ov=$v; sleep 1; done
watch -tn 0.2 "cat /proc/interrupts | cut -c-$(tput cols)"
ps aux | awk '{p[$11]+=$4} END {for (i in p) printf("%5.1f %s\n",p[i],i)}' | sort | tail
find /proc -maxdepth 2 -name status -exec tail -n 1000 '{}' + | awk 'function p() {if (rss>0) printf "%9s %5s %s\n", rss,pid,name; sum+=rss;name="?";pid=0;rss=0} $1=="==>" {p()} END {p();printf "%9s KiB == %.2f MiB == %.2f GiB\n",sum,sum/1024,sum/(1024*1024)} $1=="Name:" {sub(/^[^\s]+\s+/,"");name=$0;next} $1=="Pid:" {pid=$2;next} $1=="VmRSS:" {rss+=$2;next} $1=="HugetlbPages:"{rss+=$2;next} $1=="RssFile:"{rss-=$2;next}' | sort -n | while IFS=' ' read -r sz pid name; do cmd="$(tr '\0' ' ' < /proc/$pid/cmdline)"; printf '\033[0m%9s %5s \033[35m%s \033[36m%s\033[0m\n' "$sz" "$pid" "$name" "$cmd"; done | cut -c-$(($(tput cols)+14))
# also see `cat /proc/slabinfo` and `slabtop -o | tac` and `lsmod | sort -nk 2,2`
while true; do awk '$1=="MemTotal:" {total=$2} $1=="MemFree:" {unused=$2} $1=="Buffers:" {buffered=$2} $1=="Cached:" {cached=$2} END {free=unused+cached; pfree=(free*100/total); printf "%s ", int(pfree)}' < /proc/meminfo; sleep 0.5; done
while true; do f=$(awk '$1=="MemTotal:"{total=$2} $1=="MemFree:"{free=$2} $1=="Cached:"{free+=$2} END{print int((total-free)/1024)}' < /proc/meminfo); [[ $f -lt 768 ]] && notify-send "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA $f"; sleep 1; done
find /proc/ -maxdepth 3 -type l -printf '%p -> %l\n' 2>/dev/null | grep your.filename
while true; do fs=$(stat -c%s -- "$fn"); echo $((fs-fso)) | rev | sed -r 's/(...)/\1 /g' | rev; fso=$fs; sleep 1; done
fd=1; awk 'BEGIN {while(1==1) {getline v<"fdinfo/'$fd'";close("fdinfo/'$fd'");sub(/[^0-9]+/,"",v);d=v-o;o=v;printf "%.3f GB transferred, %.3f MB/s\n",v/(1024*1024*1024),d/(1024*1024);c="sleep 1;echo x";c|getline x;if(x!=x)break;close(c);}}'
fd=3; nhist=15; sz=$(stat -c%s -- "$(readlink fd/$fd)"); perl -e 'use strict; use Time::HiRes qw(time usleep); my @hist; while (1==1) { open my $fh, "<", "fdinfo/'$fd'"; my $t = time; my $p = <$fh> =~ s/[^0-9]+//r; close $fh; push @hist, [$t,$p]; if (scalar @hist > '$nhist') { shift @hist; } my $t1 = $hist[0][0]; my $p1 = $hist[0][1]; my $td = $t-$t1; my $pd = $p-$p1; my $rem = '$sz'-$p; my $bps = 0; if ($td > 0) { $bps = $pd/$td; }; my $prc = 8.888; my $es = 0; my $em = 0; if ($rem > 0) { $prc = (100*$p/'$sz'); if ($bps > 0) { $es = $rem/$bps; } } $em = int($es/60); $es -= $em*60; printf("%.3f GB total, %.3f GB done, %.3f%%, %.3f MB/s, eta %dmin %2dsec\n", '$sz'/(1024*1024*1024), $p/(1024*1024*1024), $prc, $bps/(1024*1024), $em, $es); usleep 500*1000; }'
# compress
for op in "cat" "pigz -9ck" "lbzip2 -9ckz" "pixz -9tk" "gzip -9ck" "bzip2 -9ckz" "xz -cze9T4"; do fn=${op%% *}; echo "[$fn]"; t0=$(date +%s%N); pigz -d < gz | pv -i 0.2 | $op > t.$fn || break; t=$(date +%s%N); td=$((t-t0)); printf '%-6s %5d.%2s %d\n' $fn "${td::${#td}-9}" "${td:${#td}-9:2}" $(stat -c%s t.$fn); done
# decompress
for op in "pigz -dck" "lbzip2 -dck" "pixz -dtk" "gzip -dck" "bzip2 -dck" "xz -dck"; do fn=${op%% *}; echo "[$fn]"; t0=$(date +%s%N); $op < t.$fn | pv -i 0.2 | md5sum || break; t=$(date +%s%N); td=$((t-t0)); printf '%-6s %5d.%2s\n' $fn "${td::${#td}-9}" "${td:${#td}-9:2}"; done
# i386 debian rootfs with ableton 9 installed in wine gives
command cmp decmp size
cat 7.93 2069391360 100.00%
pigz 34.19 11.59 1112818130 53.78%
lbzip2 30.53 17.67 1030905447 49.82%
pixz 175.46 14.59 829139668 40.07%
gzip 182.43 17.05 1114689080 53.87%
bzip2 199.18 75.02 1028314467 49.69%
xz 307.78 56.86 828040336 40.01%
apk add nbd nbd-client
modprobe nbd
head -c $((64*1024*1024)) /dev/zero > /dev/shm/vdisk
mkfs.ext2 /dev/shm/vdisk
nbd-server /dev/shm/vdisk -C ''
nbd-client 10809 /dev/nbd0
mount -o sync /dev/nbd0 /media/slow/
# limit speed of port 10809 on device lo to 1mbit, see
tc qdisc del dev lo root
tc qdisc add dev lo root handle 1: htb default 10
tc class add dev lo parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 1mbit burst 15k
tc filter add dev lo parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip sport 10809 0xffff flowid 1:1
tc filter add dev lo parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip dport 10809 0xffff flowid 1:1
# unmount and delete when done
umount /media/slow
killall nbd-client
qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0
rm /dev/shm/vdisk
# kw = original search term, kwe = sed-safe
# rp = original replace term, rpe = sed-safe
kw="a[s]d\f\\\\g/h$j*j.l^m&n"; rp="$kw"; kwe="$(printf '%s\n' "$kw" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^|?+(){}[]/\\&/g')"; rpe="$(printf '%s\n' "$rp" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')";
baseurl=/mc/map; mkdir -p mir; baseurle="$(printf '%s\n' "$baseurl" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')"; for kw in ; do kwe="$(printf '%s\n' "$kw" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g')"; grep -iRF "$kw" . | sed -r 's/.*"([^"]*'"$kwe"'[^"]*)".*/\1/'; done | sort | uniq | while IFS= read url; do hash="$(printf '0: %s\n' "$(printf '%s' "$url" | sha1sum | cut -c-20)" | xxd -r -p | base64 -w0 | tr -d = | tr '+/' '-_')"; printf '%s %s\n' "$hash" "$url"; done | while IFS=' ' read -r hash url; do loc="$hash.$(printf '%s\n' "$url" | sed -r 's/[#?].*//;s/.*\.//')"; [ -e "mir/$loc" ] || wget "$url" -O "mir/$loc"; urle="$(printf '%s\n' "$url" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g')"; sedcmd="s/\"$urle\"/\"$baseurle\/mir\/$loc\"/"; printf '\033[35m%s\033[0m\n' "$sedcmd"; grep -lRF "\"$url\"" . | while IFS= read -r fn; do sed -ri "$sedcmd" "$fn"; done; done
grep -lRF '' | while IFS= read -r x; do sed -ri 's@(href=")\?family=[^"]*(")@\1/mc/map/mir/fonts.css\2@' "$x"; done
find /mnt/ef/ -type f -iname '*.jpg' | sort | awk '{fn=$0; sub(/.*\//,"",fn); printf "\033[33m%-60s \033[36m%s\n", fn, $0}' | less -R
printf '\n%8s %9s %8s\n\n' bitrate size seconds; while IFS= read -r fn; do printf '\033[A%27s %s\033[J\n' "" "$fn"; len="$(ffprobe -show_streams -select_streams a:0 "$fn" 2>/dev/null | grep -E '^duration=' | awk -F= '{print $2}')"; sz="$(stat -c%s "$fn")"; printf '%s\n' "$len" | grep -qE '^N|^[0-9]{0,1}($|\.)' && continue; rate="$(awk 'BEGIN {sz='$sz';len='$len';printf "%.3f", (sz/len)/128;}')"; printf '\033[A%8.3f %9d %8.3f %s\n\n' "$rate" "$sz" "$len" "$fn"; done < <( find -iname \*.flac 2>/dev/null | sort) | tee t.flacs
cat kks-v106-script.txt | grep '\.JP> ' | sed 's/ */\n/g' | grep -E '\.JP> [^a-zA-Z0-9_-% ]{2}' | wc -l
composite webm1.png webm2.png -compose difference zcomp.png; mogrify -level 0%,4% zcomp.png; eog zcomp.png
echo; x=1; for year in 2016 2017 2018; do for month in Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec; do printf '\033[%sG%s %s %s ' "$x" "$url" "$year" "$month"; { pigz -d < /backup/ene/logs/nginx/; cat /backup/kou/logs/nginx/; cat /var/log/nginx/; } | grep -E 'GET /subfolder[/ ]' | grep -vE '^(list-of-bot-ips)\.[0-9]+ ' | grep -E '^[^[]+\[../'"$month/$year" | sed -r 's/ / /' | sort | uniq -cw15 | wc -l; done; done; printf '\033[24A'; printf '\033[25B'
for logfile in ~/jd/logs/*/"1fichier.com_jd.plugins.decrypter.OneFichierComFolder.log."*; do printf '\n\033[36mbegin %s\033[0m\n' "$logfile"; grep -E '^https?://.*;.*;[0-9]+$' "$logfile"; printf '\033[35m end %s\033[0m\n' "$logfile"; done | awk '$0==""; !s[$0]++'
for logfile in ~/jd/logs/*/"1fichier.com_jd.plugins.decrypter.OneFichierComFolder.log."*; do printf '\n\033[36mbegin %s\033[0m\n' "$logfile"; grep -E '^https?://.*;.*;[0-9]+$| -> Crawling: https?://' "$logfile"; printf '\033[35m end %s\033[0m\n' "$logfile"; done | awk '/ -> Crawling: http/{t=$1"\033[34m"$3"\033[0m"$2;sub(/.*-/,"",t);sub(/.* Crawling: /,"\033[1;33m")} /_jd\.plugins\.decrypter\./{t=""} $0==""; !s[$0]++{print t, $0}'
# example of: sorting awk array by value
# example input: L 12/07/2015 - 02:39:13: Loading map "vsh_streets_v2"
awk '/^L [0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} - [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Loading map "[^"]*".$/ {sub(/".$/,"");sub(/.*Loading map "/,"");v[$0]++} END {for (i in v) tv[sprintf("%12s", v[i]),i]=i; n=asorti(tv); j=0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {split(tv[i],t,SUBSEP);ind[++j]=t[2]} for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {print v[ind[i]], ind[i]}}' atmux.log
# example input: L 12/07/2015 - 02:39:13: Loading map "vsh_streets_v2"
grep -E '^L [0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} - [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Loading map "[^"]*".$' atmux.log | sed -r 's/".$//;s/.*Loading map "//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
# example of: sorting awk array by key, showing partial results while processing
# example input: L 06/16/2018 - 23:27:11: "ayase<177><[U:1:33010969]><Blue>" say "pls respond"
grep -aE '^L [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4} - [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: "[^"]*<[0-9]+><[^>]*><(Blue|Red)>" ' /v/srcds/atmux.log | cut -c-26 | sed -r 's/[^:]* - (..):.*/\1/' | awk 'function show() {print "";n=asorti(v,iv); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {print iv[i], v[iv[i]]}} v[$0]++ {} NR%10000==1 {show()} END {show()}'
# example of: date conversion from american to iso8601, getting day-of-week
# example input: L 06/16/2018 - 23:27:11: "ayase<177><[U:1:33010969]><Blue>" say "pls respond"
perl -e 'use strict; use Time::Piece; my %hist; my $dow = "x"; my $ldate = "x"; while (<>) { next unless /^L ([0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4}) - ([0-9]{2}):[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: "[^"]*<[0-9]+><[^>]*><(Blue|Red)>/; if ($1 ne $ldate) {my $tp = Time::Piece->strptime("$1", "%m/%d/%Y"); $dow = $tp->strftime("%u%a"); $ldate = $1; print "$ldate $dow\n"} $hist{"$dow $2"}+=1 } foreach my $k (sort keys %hist) {printf "%s %d\n", substr($k, 1), $hist{$k}}' < /v/srcds/atmux.log
hexdump -e '"%06.6_ao " 8/4 "%08x "' -e '" " 32/1 "%_p" "\n"' some.bin
fa='4/1 "%02x" " " '; fb='4/1 "%02x" " " '; hexdump -e '"%06.6_ao "'" $fa$fa$fa$fb$fa$fa$fa$fb" -e '" " 16/1 "%_p" " " 16/1 "%_p" "\n"' some.bin | less
# or in 6x 3byte groups
h='3/1 "%02x" " " '; t='" " 9/1 "%_p"'; hexdump -e '"%06.6_ao "'" $h$h$h $h$h$h" -e "$t$t"' "\n"'
hex=1; f1=setup1.msi; f2=setup2.msi; fs=$({ stat -c%s "$f1"; stat -c%s "$f2"; } | sort -n | head -n 1); bs=$((1024*1024)); tch=$((fs/bs)); nch=0; while [ $nch -le $tch ]; do nch=$((nch+1)); dd if="$f1" bs=$bs skip=$nch count=1 2>/dev/null > /dev/shm/b1; dd if="$f2" bs=$bs skip=$nch count=1 2>/dev/null > /dev/shm/b2; cmp /dev/shm/b{1,2} >/dev/null && echo $nch ok && continue; [ $hex -ne 0 ] && { { hexdump -C </dev/shm/b1 >/dev/shm/h1 & } 2>/dev/null; { hexdump -C </dev/shm/b2 >/dev/shm/h2 & } 2>/dev/null; wait; cdiff /dev/shm/h{1,2} || break; }; ofs=$((bs*nch)); printf '\033[1;35m%d / %d -- %d to %d\033[0m\n' $nch $tch $ofs $((ofs+bs)); done
# assuming you have another terminal showing a hexdump diff between two binary files (exe/dll/elf/...),
# run this, select chunk 1, hit enter, select chunk 2, hit enter
while true; do disas() { ofs=$1; printf '\033[H'; xclip -o | awk '{printf "%x ",r; r+=16; sub(/./,""); for(n=2;n<=17;n++) printf "%s",$n; printf "\n"}' | xxd -r > /dev/shm/binclip; radare2 -qc 'pD '$(stat -c%s /dev/shm/binclip) /dev/shm/binclip 2>&1 | sed -r 's/^/'$'\033''['${ofs}'G/;s/$/'$'\033''[K/'; }; read -u1 -r; clear; disas 1; read -u1 -r; disas 91; done
# 1) find images in folder, get color at (w-16), (h/2)
find -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec file -i '{}' \+ | grep -E '^[^:]+: +image/(jpeg|gif|png)(;|$)' | sed -r 's/:.*//' | while IFS= read -r fn; do printf '%s\n' "$fn" > /dev/shm/x; read w h <<<$(identify -format "%[fx:w] %[fx:h]\n" "$fn" | head -n 1); x=$((w-16)); y=$((h/2)); printf '\n%s ' "$fn"; convert "$fn[0]" -crop 1x1+$x+$y -format "%[fx:floor(255*u.r)] %[fx:floor(255*u.g)] %[fx:floor(255*u.b)]" info: || { echo ERROR; break; }; done | tee colors.txt
# 2) filter to given color with tolerance=8
r=222; g=225; b=244; t=8; mkdir hits; cat colors.txt | awk '$NF<4 {next} $(NF-2)>'$r-$t' && $(NF-2)<'$r+$t' && $(NF-1)>'$g-$t' && $(NF-1)<'$g+$t' && $NF>'$b-$t' && $NF<'$b+$t | tee /dev/stderr | sed -r 's/( [0-9]+){3}//' | while IFS= read -r x; do ln -s -- "../$x" hits/; done
# master file: ~ed/doc/mdw.zq1.2019-1103
# other hashfiles: mdw.*
cd /dev/shm/x/ && rm -f * && pv ~ed/doc/mdw.zq1.2019-1103 | gzip -d | awk '{printf "%s %s\n", substr($5, 1, 4), $5}' | while read fn v; do echo "$v" >> $fn; done
mdws="mdw.1t mdw.bismuth mdw.inb4 mdw.iv mdw.jackhammer.real.mk2 mdw.javs mdw.porta3t mdw.shm mdw.t5 mdw.tome mdw.va2 mdw.wark"
# for mdw in $mdws; do pv $mdw | awk '{printf "%s %s\n", substr($5, 1, 4), $5}' | while read fn v; do grep -qF -- "$v" /dev/shm/x/$fn || echo "$v $mdw"; done; done | tee /dev/shm/missing
for mdw in $mdws; do export mdw; pv $mdw | awk '{printf "%s %s\n", substr($5, 1, 4), $5}' | perl -e 'use strict; use warnings; my $mdw = $ENV{mdw}; while (<>) { next unless m/^([0-9a-f]{4}) ([0-9a-f]+)$/; my $fn = $1; my $hash = $2; my $hit = 0; open(my $fh, "<", "/dev/shm/x/$fn"); while (my $ln = <$fh>) {chomp $ln; if ($ln eq $hash) {$hit=1; last}} close $fh; if ($hit == 0) {print $hash, " ", $mdw, "\n"}}'; done | tee /dev/shm/missing
cat /dev/shm/missing | while IFS=' ' read -r hash mdw; do grep -F "$hash" -- "$mdw"; done | tee /dev/shm/missing2
find -iname \*.ftm | sort | sed -r 's@/[^/]*$@@' | uniq | while IFS= read -r x; do find "$x" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 > /dev/shm/fds; nf=$(cat /dev/shm/fds | grep -iE '\.ftm$' | wc -l); nn=$(cat /dev/shm/fds | grep -viE '\.ftm$' | wc -l); printf '%4d %4d %s\n' "$nf" "$nn" "$x"; done
find -type f -iname \*.ftm | while IFS= read -r x; do sum=$(md5sum "$x" | cut -c-32); fn="$sum-${x##*/}"; loc="$HOME/ftm/$fn"; printf ' %s\n\033[A' "$fn"; [[ -e "$loc" ]] && { [[ "$loc" -nt "$x" ]] || { printf '\033[1;34mskip\033[0m\n'; continue; }; printf '\033[1;33mtouch\033[0m\n'; touch -r "$x" -- "$loc"; continue; }; printf '\033[1;32mnew\033[0m\n'; cp -p -- "$x" "$loc"; done
d2=/mnt/zq1/hd/ef/n5x/vids/; find -type f -printf '%s %p\n' | while IFS=' ' read -r s1 fp; do s2=$(stat -c%s -- "$d2/$fp" 2>/dev/null || echo 0); [ $s1 -eq $s2 ] && continue; [ $s2 -gt 0 ] && { printf '\033[1;31msize warn: %s / %s @ %s\033[0m\n' $s1 $s2 "$fp"; continue; }; dir="${fp%/*}"; mkdir -p -- "$d2/$dir"; cp -pv -- "$fp" "$d2/$dir/"; done
find -type l -exec rm '{}' \+; find -type f -size -5M -exec rm '{}' \+; find -type f -printf '%T@ %s %p\n' | sort -n
osum=x; height=$(tput lines); while true; do sleep 0.5; sum=$(cdiff file1 file2 | tail -n $height | tee /dev/shm/tmp.diffmon | md5sum | cut -c-32); [ "x$sum" == "x$osum" ] && continue; osum="$sum"; cat /dev/shm/tmp.diffmon | sed -r "s/\t/ /g;s/$/$(echo -ne "\033[K")/"; echo -e '\033[H'; done
dbs="ip710.csv phone.csv thicc.csv"; cat $dbs | sort | uniq | grep -E '^".....' | while IFS= read -r ln; do grep -F "$ln" $dbs; echo; done
cd /dev/shm; ncsv=$(printf "%s\n" *.csv | wc -l); cat -- *.csv | sort | uniq | grep -E '^".....' | while IFS= read -r ln; do grep -lF "$ln" /dev/shm/*.csv > /dev/shm/khits; [ $(wc -l < /dev/shm/khits) -eq $ncsv ] && c=0 || c=3; printf '\033[1;37;4%sm..\033[0;36m %s\033[33m ' $c "$ln"; cat /dev/shm/khits | sed -r 's@.*/@@;s@\.csv$@@' | tr '\n' ' '; echo; done
ls -ali
# 1481785 -rw-rw-r-- 1 ed ed 0 Jun 30 23:32 ??[]???v???
find -maxdepth 1 -inum 1481785
find -maxdepth 1 -inum 1481785 -print0 | xargs -0 stat --
find -maxdepth 1 -inum 1481785 -print0 | xargs -0I '{}' mv -- '{}' something.mp3
find -maxdepth 1 -inum 1481785 -delete
find -xdev -type f -exec md5sum '{}' \+
iso='../your.iso'; mkdir asdf && cd asdf && isoinfo -R -l -i "$iso" | grep -E '^Directory listing of ' | sed -r 's_^Directory listing of /?__' | grep -vE '^$' | while IFS= read x; do mkdir -p "$x"; done; isoinfo -R -f -i "$iso" | sed -r 's/.//' | while IFS= read x; do [ -d "$x" ] || isoinfo -R -x "/$x" -i "$iso" > "$x" || IFS= echo "$x"; echo -n '.'; done
# replace -R with -J to use joliet(windows) index instead of rockridge(linux)
# iso_ord generates a -sort file for mkisofs/cdrkit or xorriso to rebuild the iso in an xdelta3-friendly way
iso_ls() { LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 isoinfo -Rl -i "$1" | awk '{sub(/\[/,"[ ");sub(/ $/,"")} /^Directory list/{d=substr($0,23);s=2;next} s-->0&&/\] +\.{1,2}$/{next} /^[drwx-]{10} /{a=$0;b=$0;sub(/\] .*/,"",a);sub(/[^]]+\] +/,"",b);printf "%s] %s%s\n",a,d,b}' | sort -k10,10; }
iso_ord() { iso_ls "$1" | awk '!/^d/{sub(/[^]]+\] +/,"");printf "-%s %s\n",NR,$0}'; }
newest="$(find -mmin -121 -printf '%T@ %P\n' | sort -r | tail -n 1 | sed 's/\..*//')"; [ "x$newest" == "x" ] || { now=$(date +%s); now=$(( now - 7200 )); diff=$(( ( $now - $newest ) * -1 )); echo "Shifting back by $diff seconds ..."; find -mmin -3 | while IFS= read -r x; do fage=$( date +%s -r "$x"; ); nfage=$(( $fage - $diff )); echo "$fage - $diff = $nfage $x"; touch --date=@$nfage "$x"; done ; }
find -type f -exec filefrag '{}' \+ | grep -vE ': [01] extents? found$' | sed -r 's/(.*): ([0-9]*) extents? found$/\2 \1/' | sort -n | while IFS=' ' read -r frags filename; do printf '%4d %12d %s\n' "$frags" "$(stat -c%s -- "$filename")" "$filename"; done
find / -iname -printf '%TY-%Tm-%Td %TH:%TM:%TS %9s\r%p\n' 2>/dev/null | while IFS=$'\r' read -r a b ; do printf '%s %s %s\n' "$(md5sum < "$b")" "$a" "$b"; done | sort
cores=4; busy=0; while IFS= read -r x; do busy=$((busy+1)); [[ $busy -gt $cores ]] && { wait; busy=1; }; txz="$(printf '%s\n' "$x" | sed -r 's/gz$/xz/')"; printf '[%s]\n[%s]\n\n' "$x" "$txz"; { gzip -d < "$x" | xz -c -e > "$txz"; touch -r "$x" "$txz"; } & done < <( find -iname \*gz -printf '%s %p\n' | sort -n | tail -n 10 | sed -r 's/^[^ ]* //' | tac ); wait
find -iname \*gz -printf '%s %p\n' | sort -n | sed -r 's/^[^ ]* //' | while IFS= read -r x; do txz="$(printf '%s\n' "$x" | sed -r 's/gz$/xz/')"; [[ -e "$txz" ]] || continue; sz1=$(stat -c%s "$x"); sz2=$(stat -c%s "$txz"); perc=$(( (sz2*100)/sz1 )); printf '%s %s %s %12s %s\n' $sz1 $sz2 $perc $((sz1-sz2)) "$x"; done
# assumes `tar -tvf` output of the form:
# -rw-r--r-- ed/ed 507456 2016-12-24 15:34 home/ed/mouse.mp3
tar --utc --full-time -tvf dootnode-2018-0930-02-ed.txz | sed -r '/\/$/d; s/([^ ]+ +){2}//; s/(([^ ]+ +){3})(.*)/\3 \1/' | sort | sed -r 's/(.*[^ ])(( +[^ ]+){3}) */ \2 \1/; s/ *([^-]{14})( [0-9]+-)/\1\2/' | sed -r 's/^ +[0-9]+ (.* -> .)/\1/' > list.tar
TZ=UTC find /home/ed '(' -not -type d ')' -printf '%p -> %l %s %TY-%Tm-%Td %TH:%TM:%TS\n' | sed -r 's/.//;s/\.[0-9]+$//' | sort | sed -r 's/(.*)(( +[^ ]+){3})$/ \2 \1/; s/ *([^-]{14})( [0-9]+-)/\1\2/; s/ -> $//' | sed -r 's/^ +[0-9]+ (.* -> .)/\1/' > list.dir
cdiff list.tar list.dir
for x in *; do printf '\033[33m%s\033[0m\n' "$x"; tar -c -- "$x" | xz -cze8T4 > "$x.txz"; done
find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | grep -vE '\.txz$' | while IFS= read -r x; do sz1=$(du -sBK -- "$x" | sed 's/K.*//'); sz2=$(du -sBK -- "$x.txz" | sed 's/K.*//'); printf '%10s %10s %3s%% %s\n' $sz1 $sz2 $((sz2*100/sz1)) "$x"; done
find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | grep -vE '\.txz$' | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '\033[33m%s\033[0m\n' "$x"; read -u1 -rp 'k?'; rm -rf "./$x"; done
# prepare /dev/shm/compression-items (list of directories or files; each item in list gets its own .txz)
# prepare /dev/shm/compression-dirs (list of directories; each element inside each directory gets its own .txz)
# step 1) generate /dev/shm/compression-queue from the other /dev/shm files,
# should not produce any output -- STOP and reconsider if it does
cat /dev/shm/compression-items /dev/shm/compression-dirs | sed -r 's@/*$@@' | while IFS= read -r x; do [ -e "$x" ] || printf '\033[31m404: %s\033[0m\n' "$x"; done; sed -r 's@/*$@@' /dev/shm/compression-items > /dev/shm/compression-queue || echo ERROR; sed -r 's@/*$@@' /dev/shm/compression-dirs | grep -E ... | while IFS= read -r x; do find "$x" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | grep -vE '\.txz$'; done | sed -r 's@/*$@@' >> /dev/shm/compression-queue; [ $(sort /dev/shm/compression-queue | uniq | wc -l) -eq $(wc -l < /dev/shm/compression-queue) ] || echo DUPE_ITEMS; cat /dev/shm/compression-queue | while IFS= read -r x; do sed -r 's@$@/@' /dev/shm/compression-queue | grep -F -- "$x/" | wc -l | grep -qE '^1$' || printf 'child recompress: %s\n' "$x"; done
# step 2) compress and delete each entry in /dev/shm/compression-queue
# use du -sBK instead of du -sb if your du can't -b (at the cost of less precision)
grep -E ... /dev/shm/compression-queue | while IFS= read -r x; do dir="${x%/*}"; fn="${x##*/}"; printf '[\033[34m%s\033[0m] [\033[36m%s\033[0m] \033[31m' "$dir" "$fn"; XZ_OPT=-e8T4 ionice -c 3 nice tar -C"$dir" -cJf "$x.txz" "$fn" || { echo COMP_ERR; break; }; sz1=$(du -sb -- "$x" | sed 's/[^0-9].*//') || { echo sz_err; break; }; sz2=$(du -sb -- "$x.txz" | sed 's/[^0-9].*//') || { echo sz_err; break; }; [ $sz2 -lt 1024 ] && { echo bad_output; rm "$x.txz"; continue; }; perc=$((sz2*100/sz1)); printf '\033[32m%s%%\033[0m ' $perc; [ $perc -ge 94 ] && { echo insufficient_ratio; rm "$x.txz"; continue; }; echo; ionice -c 3 nice rm -rf "$x"; done
find -name _ | sed -r 's@/[^/]*$@@' | while IFS= read -r x; do find "$x" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | wc -l | grep -qE '^1$' || continue; printf '\033[36m%s\033[0m\n' "$x"; mv -- "$x/_/"{.[!.]*,..?*,*} "$x"; rmdir "$x/_"; done
{ printf '%s\n' "#EXTM3U"; find -type f | sort | while IFS= read -r x; do ffprobe -hide_banner -- "$x" </dev/null 2>&1 | awk '/^ Duration: / {sub(/,$/,"",$2);split($2,a,":");dur=60*(60*a[1]+a[2])+a[3]} /^ [a-zA-Z]+ *: / {k=tolower($1);v=$0;sub(/[^:]*: /,"",v);t[k]=v} END {if (!t["artist"]) {t["artist"]=t["album_artist"]} if (!t["artist"]) {t["artist"]=t["albumartist"]} if (!t["artist"]) {t["artist"]="x"} if (!t["title"]) {t["title"]="x"} if (!dur) {exit} printf("#EXTINF:%d,%s - %s\n",dur,t["artist"],t["title"])}'; printf '%s\n' "$x"; done; } | tee the.m3u8
while true; do png="$(find -type f -iname \*.png -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -n | tail -n 1 | sed -r 's/[^ ]* //')"; sleep 0.5; [ -e "$png.jpg" ] && continue; printf '%s\n' "$png"; convert -quality 94 "$png" "$png.jpg"; done
cat /mnt/sda1_ov/some.tar | tar -zxvk > >( tee exlog.out ) 2> >( tee exlog.err >&2 )
rm -rf exerr; mkdir exerr; cd exerr; cat ../exlog.err | grep -E ': Cannot open: File exists$' | sed -r 's/^tar: //;s/: Cannot open: File exists$//' > .list
cat /mnt/sda1_ov/some.tar | tar -zxvkT.list > >( tee exlog.out ) 2> >( tee exlog.err >&2 )
for k in sums1 sums2; do cat "$k" | sed -r 's/(.{32}) .(\.\/)?(.*)/\3\1/' | sort | sed -r 's/(.*)(.{32})/\2 \1/' | grep -vE '\.pyc$' > "${k}s"; done
# get the bad timestamp (output = 1410636434)
stat -c%Y 2018-12-dcim/DSC02735.JPG
# get the good timestamp from IMG_20181228_104008.jpg (output = 1545961208)
date +%s --date='Fri Dec 28 10:40:08 JST 2018'
# update the last-modified of all DSC* files
find -maxdepth 1 -name DSC\*.JPG | sort | while IFS= read -r x; do t=$(stat -c%Y -- "$x"); t=$((t+(1545961208-1410636434))); d="$(date -u --date=@$t)"; touch -d "$d" -- "$x"; done
find -maxdepth 1 -name DSC\*.JPG | sort | grep DSC02517 -A100000 | grep DSC03218 -B100000 | sed -r 's/(.*)\.(.*)/\1 \2/' | while IFS=' ' read -r fn ext; do t=$(stat -c%Y -- "$fn.$ext"); d=$(TZ=:Asia/Tokyo date --date=@$t +%Y-%m%d-%H%M%S); printf '[%s] [%s] [%s]' "$fn" "$d" "$ext"; mv -v "$fn.$ext" "$fn-$d.$ext"; done
inval() { find -maxdepth 1 -xtype l -printf '%p // %l\n'; }; inval | grep -F ' // /mnt/sdb_ov/' | sort | sed -r 's#/sdb_ov/#/sda_ov/#' | while IFS= read -r x; do fn="$(printf '%s/n' "$x" | sed -r 's# // .*##')"; fp="$(printf '%s\n' "$x" | sed -r 's#.* // ##')"; [ -e "$fp" ] || continue; printf '[%s] [%s]\n' "$fn" "$fp"; ln -sfn -- "$fp" "$fn"; done; echo; inval | grep -E . && echo error
# assumes no sha512 collisions, hmu if you got one
oh=; op=; find -xdev -type f -size +255c -exec sha512sum '{}' \+ | LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sort | while read -r h p; do [ "$h" = "$oh" ] || { oh="$h"; op="$p"; continue; }; ln -vf -- "$op" "$p"; done
# currently identified and purged: DS_Store, AppleSingle, AppleDouble
# -- disable DS_Store on OSX: defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
# -- disable AppleDouble on OSX: not possible
# (why aren't these xattrs, what the fuck apple)
find -type f \( -name .DS_Store -or -name ._.DS_Store \) -delete
find -type f -name ._\* | while IFS= read -r f; do cmp <(printf '\x00\x05\x16') <(head -c 3 -- "$f") && rm -f -- "$f"; done
apk dot protobuf | dot -Tps /dev/stdin -o && convert -density 96 tmp.png && feh -B white tmp.png
cat some.log | awk '/utctime: / {t=$0; sub(/.* /, "", t); sub(/.{6}$/, "", t); printf "%s %s\n", $0, strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S", t); next}'
perl -lne 'print scalar localtime $_'
find -type f | sed -r 's/.mp3$//' | while IFS= read -r x; do t1=0; t2=0; t1=$(stat -c%Y ~/rt-red/"$x"); t2=$(stat -c%Y "$x.mp3"); printf '%5s %s\n' $((t2-t1)) "$x"; done | less
cat $(ls -1tra | grep tsv | tail -n 1) | awk '$1 ~ /^[0-9]{5}/ {v=$1; vd=v-ov; ov=v; if(vd != 1) {print vd}}'
last_iso() { tac /v/srcds/atmux.log | head -n 10000 | grep -E '^L [0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} - [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:' | head -n 1 | sed -r 's/^L (..)\/(..)\/(....) - (..:..:..).*/\3\/\1\/\2 \4/'; };
last_epoch() { ts="$(last_iso)"; [ -z "$ts" ] && return 1; date -u +%s --date="$ts"; };
idle_sec() { last=$(last_epoch); [ -z "$last" ] && return 1; now=$(date -u +%s); echo $((now-last)); }; idle_sec
perl -e 'use strict; use warnings; my @sym = split(//, join("", "0".."9", "a".."z")); sub b36 { my ($v) = @_; my $rv = ""; while ($v) { $rv = @sym[$v % 36] . $rv; $v = int $v / 36 } return $rv || "0" } while (<>) { my @v = split ",", $_; print(join(",", b36($v[0]), b36($v[1]), $v[2]), "\n") }' < base10.csv > base36.csv
# example input: [{"timestamp": 1616912818525000, "message": "DANZAI", "author": { "display_name": "XShn" }}]
# example output: 2021-03-28 06:26:58 <XShn> DANZAI
jq -r '.[]|select(.timestamp)|(.timestamp|./1000000|strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) + " <" + .author.display_name + "> " + .message'
# example input: {"files": [{"href": "0001.mp3", "sz": 1075520, "tags": {"artist": "nervous_testpilot"}}]}
# example output: {"sz": 1075520, "ta": "nervous_testpilot"}
jq -C '.files[]|{,ta:.tags.artist,tb:.tags.".bpm"}|del(.[]|select(.==null))'
# example output: 3698.186 1611943297.375 1.013 1.06 l UQKztzkAZgA King ZDhzd01MdzA 7 pm gang
# format: video-time, unix-time, delta-video, delta-unix, author-id, author-name, msg-id, msg-body
# intermediate format between jq and awk, "\r" replaced with " | ":
# 3698.186 | 1611943297375348 | UC9VM3-sfX... | King | CjkKGkNMQz... | 7 pm gang
fun() { jq -r '.[]|[.time_in_seconds, .timestamp,,, .message_id, .message]|join("\r")' < "$1" | awk -F'\r' '{gsub(/%3D/,"",$5);printf "%9.3f %10.3f %7.3f %7.2f l \033[36m%s %s \033[33m\033[76G%s %s\033[0m\n",$1,$2/1000000,$1-o1,($2-o2)/1000000,substr($3,length($3)-10),$4,substr($5,length($5)-10),$6; o1=$1;o2=$2}'; }
v='%22%37...'; v="${v//+/ }"; printf '%b' "${v//%/\x}"
cat md5-bin | sed -r 's/(.{32})[^/]*(.*)/\2\1/' | sort | sed -r 's/(.*)(.{32})/\2 \1/'
awk '{ printf "%s ", $0 } $0 == ";" { print "" }' < discord-text-display > discord-text-display-2
sed -r 's/\r$//'
sed -r "s/$(printf "\r")$//"
tr -d '\r'
cat COPYING | sed 's/$/\r/' > COPYING.txt
./iconv -l | sed 's/ .*//' | while read enc1; do echo "$enc1"; ./iconv -l | sed 's/ .*//' | while read enc2; do cat ~/Music/retrosound-ska-kyoto/flac/cdinfo | grep SKAllhead | head -n 1 | ./iconv -f "$enc1" -t "$enc2" > /dev/shm/iconv.tmp || continue; ./iconv -l | sed 's/ .*//' | while read enc3; do cat /dev/shm/iconv.tmp | ./iconv -f "$enc3" | grep -qF 'のSKA' && echo ". . . . . . . . . . . . $enc1 -- $enc2 -- $enc3" ; done ; done ; done 2>/dev/null
alias liconv=~/pe/iconv/bin/iconv; liconv -l | sed 's/ .*//' | while read enc1; do echo "$enc1"; liconv -l | sed 's/ .*//' | while read enc2; do cat cdinfo | grep SKAllhead | head -n 1 | liconv -f "$enc1" -t "$enc2" > /dev/shm/iconv.tmp || continue; liconv -l | sed 's/ .*//' | while read enc3; do cat /dev/shm/iconv.tmp | liconv -f "$enc3" | grep -qF 'のSKA' && echo ". . . . . . . . . . . . $enc1 -- $enc2 -- $enc3" ; done ; done ; done 2>/dev/null
iconv -l | sed 's/ .*//' | while read enc1; do echo "$enc1"; iconv -l | sed 's/ .*//' | while read enc2; do cat cdinfo | grep SKAllhead | head -n 1 | iconv -f "$enc1" -t "$enc2" > /dev/shm/iconv.tmp || continue; iconv -l | sed 's/ .*//' | while read enc3; do cat /dev/shm/iconv.tmp | iconv -f "$enc3" | grep -qF 'のSKA' && echo ". . . . . . . . . . . . $enc1 -- $enc2 -- $enc3" ; done ; done ; done 2>/dev/null
rsync -axHAX -e 'ssh -p 752' /mnt/r/
echo yes > run ; while true; do [ -f run ] || break; printf '\033[A'; date +%H:%M:%S.%N; sleep 0.25; done & strace -ttp 15883 -e getdents64
tf=$(mktemp); while true; do find -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname crf\*.mkv -printf '%T@ %p\n' | grep -E ... | sort -n | head -n -1 | sed -r 's/[^ ]* //' | while IFS= read -r fn; do scp "$fn" otherbox:~; f1=$(stat -c%s "$fn"); f2=$(ssh otherbox "stat -c%s \"$fn\""); [[ "x$f1" == "x$f2" ]] && { echo "remove $fn"; rm "$fn"; continue; }; printf "ERROR: %s = %s / %s\n" "$fn" "$f1" "$f2"; continue; sleep 10; done
# note: all extracted files will be moved directly to $destdir, no per-archive subfolders
# note: for files with duplicate names, only the first will be kept
# note: tempfiles in $workdir can be to 4x the largest archive's size
# note: getpid() returns the pid of the process writing files in terminal 2 for the purpose of suspension during processing in termianl 1
# terminal 1: start monitoring for incoming archives, unpack and move files to external drive, then delete archives
destdir="/media/extdrive/unpacked"; workdir="$HOME/inc/archives"; getpid() { ps aux | grep -E 'tar[ ]-xvC' | awk '{print $2}'; }; unpack() { arc="$1"; kill -STOP $(getpid); [ -z "$workdir" ] && return 200; [ -z "$destdir" ] && return 201; rm -rf "$workdir/t"; mkdir -p "$workdir/t"; cd "$workdir/t" || return 202; ionice -c 3 nice -20 7z x ../"$arc" || return $?; echo md5sum; ionice -c 3 nice -20 find -type f -exec md5sum '{}' \+ >> "$destdir/sums.md5" || return $?; echo mv; ionice -c 3 nice -20 mv -- * "$destdir" || return $?; printf '\033[31m'; find -type f | sed -r 's/^/SKIPPING /'; printf '\033[0m'; rm -f ../"$arc"; kill -CONT $(getpid); }; last=''; mkdir -p "$workdir"; cd "$workdir"; while true; do find -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname \*.rar -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -n | sed -r 's/[^ ]* //'; sleep 1; done | awk '!s[$0]++{print;system("")}' | while IFS= read -r next; do printf '\n\033[36m curr: %s\n next: %s\n\033[0m' "$last" "$next"; [ -z "$last" ] && { last="$next"; continue; }; unpack "$last" || { echo error $?; break; }; last="$next"; printf '\n\033[36mif that was the last archive, hit ^C and manually run the following once the transfer has finished:\n unpack "%s"\n rm -rf "%s"\n\n\033[0m' "$next" "$workdir"; done
# terminal 2: copy archives from "~/Downloads/archives" on server "vaio" to "~/inc/archives"
ssh vaio 'tar -cC ~/Downloads archives' | ionice -c 3 nice -20 tar -xvC ~/inc
tar -c folder1/ folder2/ | pigz -c | split -b 690M - archive.tgz.
# note: expects you to mount/unmount the media and check that things look OK before resuming
# note: on any read error, this falls apart
while true; do (cd /media/cdrom/; for x in *.tgz.a*; do grep -F -- " $x" checksum.md5 | md5sum -c >&2; cat -- "$x"; done); y=; n=; while true; do printf '\n\n\n*** insert next disk and press Y, or abort with N ***\n' >&2; read -n1 -r r; echo; [[ $r =~ ^[yY]$ ]] && y=1; [[ $r =~ ^[nN]$ ]] && n=1; [ $y ] || [ $n ] && break; done; [ $n ] && break; done | tar -zxv >/dev/shm/exlog
# for example if an fde server is getting decommissioned, boot it from a rescue env and share the encrypted disk directly with the new server over the net and luks-open it over there
# is the whitelisted client, is the server (this machine with the disk to share)
echo > /dev/shm/nbd-nodes
chown nbd. /dev/sdb; while true; do nbd-server -M 1 -l /dev/shm/nbd-nodes -d /dev/sdb; sleep 0.2; done
ss -lt
# connect to the server from the client
sudo rmmod nbd
sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8
sudo nbd-client 5952 /dev/nbd0 -b 4096
mount /dev/nbd0p1 /media/remotedisk
while true; do wget -U 'MPlayer' --header "Icy-MetaData: 1" -St1; sleep 5; done
apk add bash libressl util-linux tmux
openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -iter 1 -pass pass:"$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64)" -nosalt < /dev/zero | pv -i 0.2 > garbo
while true; do cat /proc/$(ps aux | grep -E 'cat[ ]/dev/zero|openssl[ ]enc' | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1)/fdinfo/1 | awk '/^pos:/ {print $2}'; sleep 60; done
openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -iter 1 -pass pass:"$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64)" -nosalt < /dev/zero | while true; do date -u; dd iflag=fullblock of=/dev/sda bs=8k conv=sync,noerror; sleep 10; done
# step 0: immediately stop using the disk! maybe emergency remount read-only with sysrq+s sysrq+u
# step 1: find correct root; 256 = volume ID from this command: btrfs subvol list /
btrfs-find-root -a /dev/nvme0n1p2 | sort -nrk4,4 | sed -r 's/\(.*//;s/.* //' | while read rb; do echo; echo $rb...; btrfs restore -r 256 -t $rb -Divv /dev/nvme0n1p2 . 2>&1 | grep the/folder/you/deleted && echo $rb && break; done
# step 2: rescue the folder; v = the root number
v=5318008; d=/mnt/otherdisk/$v; mkdir $d; cd $d; btrfs restore -r 256 -t $v -iv /dev/nvme0n1p2
printf 'mp4 vids\njpg pics\n' | while read ext dir; do find -maxdepth 1 -iname \*.$ext | while IFS= read -r fn; do this=$(stat -c%s "$fn" || echo 1); other=$(stat -c%s "/mnt/n5x/$dir/$fn" || echo 1); printf '%8s vs %8s ? ' "$this" "$other"; [[ $this -eq $other ]] && { echo "identical"; continue; }; [[ $this -gt $other ]] && echo "keep me" || echo "keep other"; done; done
mkdir comp; find -maxdepth 1 -iname vid_\*.mp4 | sed -r 's@^\./@@' | sort -r | grep -vE comp | while IFS= read -r fn; do [[ -e comp/"$fn" ]] && continue; printf '%s\n' "$fn"; done > /dev/shm/comp.vid.list ; n=0; nfiles=$(cat /dev/shm/comp.vid.list | wc -l); while IFS= read -r fn; do n=$((n+1)); printf '\n\n\n%s / %s\n\n' "$n" "$nfiles"; AV_LOG_FORCE_COLOR=1 stdbuf -o0 ffmpeg -i "./$fn" -map 0 -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -vf "scale=iw*.5:-8" -crf 26 "comp/$fn.mkv" || { rm "comp/$fn"; break; }; done < <( cat /dev/shm/comp.vid.list ) 2>&1 | sed -r "$(printf 's/\\r/\\r\\n\\033[A/g')" | grep -vE '\[libx264 @ [^]]*\][^a-ln-zA-Z]*frame=|Clipping frame in rate conversion|\[h264 @ [^]]*[^a-ln-zA-Z]*nal_unit_type: |cur_dts is invalid \(this is harmless'
mkdir comp; find -maxdepth 1 -iname vid_\*.mp4 | cut -c3- | sort -r | grep -v comp | while IFS= read -r fn; do mkv="${fn%.*}.mkv"; [[ -e comp/"$mkv" ]] && continue; printf '%s\n' "$fn"; done > /dev/shm/comp.vid.list ; n=0; nfiles=$(cat /dev/shm/comp.vid.list | wc -l); while IFS= read -r fn; do n=$((n+1)); printf '\n\n\n%s / %s\n\n' "$n" "$nfiles"; mkv="${fn%.*}.mkv"; csp="-color_primaries bt709 -color_trc bt709 -colorspace bt709"; AV_LOG_FORCE_COLOR=1 ffmpeg -nostdin $csp -async 0 -vsync 0 -i "./$fn" -map 0 -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -vf "scale=iw*.5:-2" -crf 32 -preset slower $csp "comp/$mkv" </dev/null || { rm "comp/$mkv"; break; }; done < <( cat /dev/shm/comp.vid.list )
# ensure you are in the folder which contains burst-folders, and each burst-folder has 1 or more images
find -name med-res-frame-\* -delete
find -name .nomedia -delete
find -name .medresframes -delete
find -name feature_table.bin -delete
find -name metadatastore.bin -delete
find -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 | grep _BURST | sort | sed -r 's@..@@;s@/@ @' | while IFS=' ' read -r dir fn; do trimdir="${dir:0:19}"; n=0; while true; do n=$((n+1)); nn=$(printf '%02d\n' $n); ofn="${trimdir}_$nn.jpg"; [[ -e "$ofn" ]] || break; done; printf '%s << %s/%s\n' "$ofn" "$dir" "$fn"; mv -n "$dir/$fn" "$ofn"; done; find -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2; find -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname img_\* -exec rmdir '{}' \+;
find -iname img_\* | cut -c3- | sort | while IFS= read -r fn; do [[ -e ../pics/"$fn" ]] && printf 'collision: %s\n' "$fn"; done
find -iname pano_\* | cut -c3- | sort | while IFS= read -r fn; do [[ -e ../pics/"$fn" ]] && printf 'collision: %s\n' "$fn"; done
find -iname vid_\* | cut -c3- | sort | while IFS= read -r fn; do [[ -e ../vids/"$fn" ]] && printf 'collision: %s\n' "$fn"; done
# after making sure:
mv -- IMG_* ../pics/
mv -- PANO_* ../pics/
mv -- VID_* ../vids/
# the temp dir should now be empty
mkdir ~/comp; cores=4; used=0; while IFS= read -r path; do identify -format '%w\n%h' "$path" | grep -qE '^[4-9]...$' || continue; [[ $used -gt $cores ]] && { wait; used=1; }; fn="${path%.*}"; ext="${path##*.}"; fno="$fn.comp.jpg"; tpath="$HOME/comp/$fno"; epath="comp/$fno"; [[ -s "$tpath" ]] && continue; [[ -s "$epath" ]] && continue; used=$((used+1)); printf '[%s] [%s] [%s]\n' "$fn" "$ext" "$fno"; convert -scale 50% -quality 50 "$fn.$ext" "$tpath" & done < <( find -maxdepth 1 -type f | sort | cut -c3- )
# (add argument -n for a dry-run)
function s2ext() {
oth=/mnt/sda_ov/n5x/pics; rsync -mW --ignore-existing --remove-source-files -av --progress --include='*/' --include='*.[jJ][pP][gG]' --include='*.[jJ][pP][eE][gG]' --exclude='*' . "$oth"/
oth=/mnt/sda_ov/n5x/vids; rsync -W --ignore-existing --remove-source-files -av --progress --include='*.[mM][pP]4' --exclude='*' . "$oth"/
ip=; rsync -mW --ignore-existing --remove-source-files -av --progress --include='*/' --include='*.[jJ][pP][gG]' --include='*.[jJ][pP][eE][gG]' --exclude='*' -e 'ssh -p8022' ed@$ip:/data/data/com.termux/files/home/sd/DCIM/Camera/ pics/
ip=; rsync -W --ignore-existing --remove-source-files -av --progress --include='*.[mM][pP]4' --exclude='*' -e 'ssh -p8022' ed@$ip:/data/data/com.termux/files/home/sd/DCIM/Camera/ vids/
oth=/home/ed/n5x-2018-0221/Download; rsync -W --ignore-existing --remove-source-files -av --progress . "$oth"/
oth=/mnt/sda_ov/n5x/pics; rsync -mW --ignore-existing -av --progress --include '*/' --include='*.[jJ][pP][gG]' --include='*.[jJ][pP][eE][gG]' --exclude='*' . "$oth"/
find -maxdepth 1 -type f | sed -r 's/[^_-]*[_-]//;s/..[_-].*//' | uniq | sort | uniq | grep -E '^[0-9]{6}$' | while IFS= read x; do mkdir -p -- "$x"; mv -n -- {IMG,PANO}_$x* "$x"; done
find -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec md5sum '{}' \+ | tee sums-phone
cat ~/Desktop/sums-phone | sed -r 's/ ../ /' | while IFS=' ' read -r rsum fn; do find -name "$fn" -exec md5sum '{}' \+ ; printf '%s %s\n' "$rsum" "./$fn"; done | tee ~/Desktop/sums-comp2
cat ~/Desktop/sums-comp2 | uniq -uw32
# add any argument for quick compare (skip data comparison on same size)
function c2ext() {
oth=/mnt/sda_ov/n5x/pics; printf '\033[1;30m'; find -type f \( -iname \*.jpg -or -iname \*.jpeg \) | sort | while IFS= read -r x; do l=$(stat -c%s "$x"); r=$(stat -c%s "$oth/$x"); (( l * 2 < r )) && { echo -n /; continue; }; (( l > r * 2 )) && { printf '\n\033[1;31munthumb: \033[37m%s\033[1;30m\n' "$x"; continue; }; ok=''; [ -z "$1" ] && [ $l -eq $r ] && ok=1 || ok=''; [ -z "$1" ] || { cmp "$x" "$oth/$x" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && ok=1 || ok=''; }; [ $ok ] && echo -n . || printf '\n\033[0;33m%s (%d / %d )\033[0m\n' "$x" "$l" "$r"; done; printf '\033[0m'
# gray = link exists, green = link made, yellow = file copied, red = fuck fuck fuck
mkgallery() { oth=/mnt/sda1_ov/n5x/; gal=$oth/gallery/"$1"; mkdir -p "$gal"; kind=pics;; for n in 1 2; do find "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname \*$filter\* | sed -r 's@.*/@@' | while IFS= read -r x; do [ -e "$gal/$x" ] && { printf '\033[1;30m%s\033[0m\n' "$x"; continue; }; [ -e "$oth/$kind/$x" ] || { printf '\033[33m%s\033[0m\n' "$x"; cp -pv "$1/$x" "$oth/$kind/"; }; [ -e "$oth/$kind/$x" ] && { printf '\033[32m%s\033[0m\n' "$x"; (cd "$gal"; ln -s ../../$kind/"$x" .); continue; }; printf '\033[1;31m%s\033[0m\n' "$x"; done; kind=vids;; done; }
find -maxdepth 1 -iname img_\*.jpg | sort | grep -E 'IMG_20170816_191828.jpg' -B100000 | while IFS= read -r fn; do mv -- "$fn" comp2/ ; done
cores=4; used=0; mkdir comp; while IFS= read -r x; do echo "$cores/$used $x"; convert "$x" -scale 25% -quality 90 comp/"$x" & used=$((used+1)); [[ $used -ge $cores ]] && { wait; used=0; }; done < <( find -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname \*.jpg | sed -r 's@^\./@@' | grep -E '^IMG_|^PANO_' | sort )
mkdir comp; find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -iname \*.png | sort | while IFS= read -r x; do jpg="comp/${x%.*}.jpg"; pn2="comp/$x"; [ -e "$jpg" ] || [ -e "$pn2" ] && continue; printf '%s -> %s\n' "$x" "$jpg"; dim=$(identify -format "%w\n%h\n" "$x" | sort -n | tail -n 1); [ $dim -lt 1024 ] && xc="$x" || { xc=".50p.png"; convert -scale 50%x50% "$x" "$xc"; }; convert -quality 80 "$xc" "$jpg" & pngquant --output "$pn2" --skip-if-larger "$xc"; wait; [ -e "$pn2" ] || cp -pv "$x" "$pn2"; touch "$jpg" -r "$x"; touch "$pn2" -r "$x"; s1=$(stat -c%s "$pn2"); s2=$(stat -c%s "$jpg"); s1=$((s1*2)); s2=$((s2*3)); [[ $s2 -gt $s1 ]] && rm "$jpg" || rm "$pn2"; done
tail -Fn 1000 /var/log/nginx/ | awk '{ a=$1; b=$4; c=$0; sub(/^[^\]]*\] "/, "", c); sub(/".*/, "", c); printf "%17s %s %s\n", a, b, c }' | uniq -w 17
touch run; for y in {20..200}; do for x in {32..320}; do [[ -e run ]] || break; convert tmp.png -scale ${x}x${y}\! -quality 90 /dev/shm/file.jpg; sha1sum < /dev/shm/file.jpg | cut -c-40 | xxd -ps -r | base64 | cut -c-4 | tee /dev/stderr | grep -qE '/|\+' && cp /dev/shm/file.jpg b64-${x}x${y}.jpg; done; done
for fn in b64-*.png; do echo -ne "$fn "; sha1sum < "$fn" | cut -c-40 | xxd -ps -r | base64 | cut -c-4; done | grep -F + | grep -F /
{ printf '\xef\xbb\xbf'; for cp in latin1 cp437; do printf "%02x" {32..255} | xxd -r -p | iconv -f $cp; echo; done; } | tee latin1-and-cp437.txt
tail -c +$(perl -e 'print int(rand('$(stat -c%s doot.opus)'))') doot.opus | ffplay -f ogg -
ov=0; while IFS= read -r v; do echo "$v"; cat doot.opus | tail -c +$((ov+1)) | head -c $((v-ov)) > opus.part/$ov; ov=$v; done < <( bgrep 4f6767530000 doot.opus | sed 's/.* //' | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '%d\n' 0x$x; done )
{ cat 0 47 ; ls -1 | sort -n | tail -n +$(perl -e 'print int(rand('$(ls -1 | wc -l)'))') | while IFS= read -r fn; do cat "$fn"; done; } | opusdec - - | ffplay -f s32le -ar 48k -
# supports base64 dn but just dn
slapcat -n1 -oldif-wrap=no | perl -e 'use strict; use warnings; use MIME::Base64; my $dn=""; my $c=""; while(<>) {chomp; if(/^dn:/) {$c="1;44";$dn=$_;$dn=~s/^dn:+ //;if(/^dn::/) {$dn=decode_base64($dn)}next} if(!/([^:]+):+ (.*)/){next} printf("\033[%sm%10s %20s %30s \033[0m\n",$c,substr($1,0,10),substr($2,0,20),substr($dn,0,30));$c="0"}'
# for each entry below cn=users, print "uid cn homedir" if at least two of them are present in that entry
slapcat -n1 -oldif-wrap=no | perl -e 'use strict; use warnings; use MIME::Base64; my $dn=""; my @keys=qw/uid cn homedir/; my %lkey = map{$_=>1} @keys; my %vals=(); sub p {if (scalar keys %vals < 2) {return} my @ln=(); foreach(@keys) {if(exists $vals{$_}) {push @ln,"$_:$vals{$_}"}} print((join " ",@ln)."\n")} while(<>) {chomp; if(/^dn:/) {p;$dn=$_;$dn=~s/^dn:+ //;if(/^dn::/) {$dn=decode_base64($dn)} %vals=();next} if($dn!~/,ou=users,/){next} if(!/([^:]+):+ (.*)/){next} if(!exists $lkey{$1}){next} $vals{$1}=$2} END {p}'
# adjust rh to your row height
f=74754459_p0.png; max=720x720; rh=13; rm -f sixel-*.ppm; convert -resize $max\> -crop x$rh "$f" sixel-%d.ppm; n=0; while true; do f=sixel-$n.ppm; [ -e $f ] || break; (ppmquant 256 <$f | ppmtosixel) 2>/dev/null | grep -E '^[#-]' | tr '\n' '\r'; echo; n=$((n+1)); done | while IFS= read -r ln; do printf '\033Pq%s\033\\' "$(printf '%s\n' "$ln" | tr '\r' '\n')"; done
for f in *; do tn="$(ffprobe -hide_banner -show_format -- "$f" 2>&1 | awk '/^TAG:(tracknumber|trck|trkn|track)=/{sub(/.*=[^0-9]*/,"");sub(/[^0-9]+$/,"");printf "%02d", $1;exit}')"; [ -z "$tn" ] || mv -- "$f" "$tn. $f"; done
# from: "artist - album - trackno title"
# to: "trackno. artist - title"
~/bin/rename -v 's/(.*) - (.*) - ([0-9]{2}) (.*)\./$3. $1 - $4./' *
# max sample depth 16 bit, max sample rate 48000 hz
find -iname '*.wav' | while IFS= read -r x; do flac="${x%.*}.flac"; [ -e "$flac" ] && continue; printf '\033[36m[ %s ]\033[0m\n' "$x"; cargs="$(ffprobe -hide_banner -show_streams -select_streams a:0 -- "$x" 2>/dev/null | awk '{sub(/=flt/,"=f32")} !/^sample_(fmt|rate)=[suf]?[0-9]+$/{next} {sub(/sample_/,"");sub(/=[suf]?/," ");v[$1]=$2} END {if (v["rate"]>48000) printf "%s ", "-af aresample=48000:resampler=soxr"; if (v["fmt"]>16) printf "%s", "-sample_fmt s16"}')"; ffmpeg -nostdin -v warning -i "$x" -map 0 $cargs -c copy -c:a flac "$flac" && echo ok || echo ERR; done 2>&1 | tee conv.log; echo -n "errors: "; grep -E ^ERR conv.log | wc -l
# and optionally copy over the lastmod timestamp afterwards
find -iname '*.flac' | while IFS= read -r x; do wav="${x%.*}.wav"; [ -e "$wav" ] && touch -r "$wav" -- "$x"; done
find -iname '*.wav' | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '// %s\n' "$x"; ffprobe -hide_banner -show_format -show_streams -- "$x" 2>&1 && echo ok || echo ERROR $?; echo; done | tee original-wav-metadata.txt
# filter out /ed/*.mp3 and replace all occurences of . in relpath with _
rm -rf /web/www/; base=/web/www/; find -type f | grep -aiE '\.(flac|wav|mp3)$' | grep -aviE '/ed/.*\.mp3$' | while IFS= read -r flac; do dir="${flac%/*}"; fn="${flac##*/}"; fn="${fn%.*}"; pdir="${dir//\./_}"; printf '[%s] [%s]\n' "$dir" "$fn"; ogg="$base/$pdir/$fn.ogg"; [ -e "$ogg" ] && continue; mkdir -p "$base/$pdir"; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ed/pe/aotuv/lib/ nice -n 20 ionice -c 3 ffmpeg -i "$flac" -map 0:a -acodec libvorbis -q:a 2 "$ogg" < /dev/null; done
# check if you have enough space in /dev/shm: find -iname \*.zip -printf '%s %p\n' | sort -n
base=/web/www/; exts='m4a|mp3|m2a|ogg|oga|opus|flac|alac|ac3|ape|mka|mpc|tta|tak|ape|wv|aiff?|amr|au|wav|gsm'; find -type f -iname \*.zip | while IFS= read -r zip; do printf '[%s]\n' "$zip"; unzip -l "$zip" | grep -aqiE "\.($exts)$" || continue; rm -rf /dev/shm/zt; mkdir -p /dev/shm/zt; azip="$(realpath "$zip")"; (cd /dev/shm/zt; unzip "$azip"; find -type f | grep -aiE "\.($exts)$" | while IFS= read -r flac; do dir="$zip/${flac%/*}"; fn="${flac##*/}"; fn="${fn%.*}"; pdir="${dir//\./_}"; printf '[%s] [%s]\n' "$dir" "$fn"; ogg="$base/$pdir/$fn.ogg"; [ -e "$ogg" ] && continue; mkdir -p "$base/$pdir"; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ed/pe/aotuv/lib/ nice -n 20 ionice -c 3 ffmpeg -i "$flac" -map 0:a -acodec libvorbis -q:a 2 "$ogg" < /dev/null; done); rm -rf /dev/shm/zt; done
find -xdev | grep -E '\.(m4a|mp3|m2a|ogg|oga|opus|flac|alac|ac3|ape|mka|mpc|tta|tak|ape|wv|aiff?|amr|au|wav|gsm)$' | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '\n%s\n\n' $(head -c 80 /dev/zero | tr '\0' '-'); ffprobe -hide_banner -- "$x" 2>&1 >/dev/null || sleep 0.05; done | tee /dev/stderr | pigz -c > /dev/shm/ffprobes
pigz -d < ffprobes | awk 'BEGIN {mind=-1} {ind=$0;sub(/[^ ].*/,"",ind);ind=length(ind)} ind<mind {mind=-1} $1=="Metadata:" {mind=ind+2} ind==mind {v=$0;sub(/[^:]*:/,"",v);printf "%32s %s\n", $1, v}' | sort -r | uniq -cw33 | sort -n
find -iname \*.m4a | while IFS= read -r x; do ffprobe -hide_banner "$x" 2> /dev/shm/ffinfo < /dev/null || break; sz=$(stat -c%s -- "$x"); awk '/Duration: [0-9:\.]+, start: / {t=$0;sub(/.*Duration: /,"",t);sub(/, .*/,"",t);h=t;m=t;s=t;sub(/:.*/,"",h);sub(/[^:]+:/,"",m);sub(/:.*/,"",m);sub(/.*:/,"",s);t=(h*60+m)*60+s;kbps=('$sz'/t)/128;printf "%7.3f kbps, %8d byte, %7.2f sec, ",kbps,'$sz',t}' < /dev/shm/ffinfo; grep -E '^[^a-zA-Z0-9]+encoder[^a-zA-Z0-9]*: ' < /dev/shm/ffinfo | sed -r 's/[^:]+: //' | tr '\n' ', '; printf ' %s\n' "$x"; done | tee /dev/shm/ffsum; sort -n < /dev/shm/ffsum
nfiles=$(find -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l); nleft=$nfiles; printf '\n\n'; while IFS= read -r fn; do printf '\033[A%s files total, %s files left\n' $nfiles $nleft; nleft=$((nleft-1)); nice -n 19 ionice -c 3 ffmpeg -y -i "$fn" -f framemd5 - </dev/null 2>/dev/null >/dev/shm/fmd5 && ext=fmd5.ok || ext=fmd5.fuck; cat /dev/shm/fmd5 | awk '{print $6}' | cut -c-16 | xxd -r -p > ~/"fmd5/$fn.$ext"; done < <( find -maxdepth 1 -type f )
numfiles=$(find -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l); while IFS= read -r x; do printf '\033[A%s \n' $numfiles; numfiles=$((numfiles-1)); [[ -e ../fmd5.tower/"$x" ]] && cmp ../fmd5.tower/"$x" "$x" ; done < <( find -maxdepth 1 -type f )
ffmpeg -ss 600 -i jall.mkv -filter_complex "[0:v][0:s]overlay[v1]; [v1]scale=512:trunc(ow/a/2)*2 [v]" -map "[v]" -vcodec libx264 -crf 32 -t 30 /web/www/
ffmpeg -analyzeduration 100M -probesize 100M -i some.mkv -codec copy -map 0 -map -0:s -f matroska some-nosub.mkv
ffmpeg -analyzeduration 100M -probesize 100M -i some.mkv -codec copy -map 0:s:0 some.en.sup
ffmpeg -demuxers | awk '{print $2}' | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '\033[1;40m%24s \033[0m ' "$x"; ffmpeg -h demuxer="$x" </dev/null 2>&1 | grep -E 'Common extensions:' | sed -r 's/.*Common extensions: //;s/\.$//' | grep -E .. --color=never || echo; done
ttf="$(fc-match monospace -f '%{file}\n')"; ffmpeg -hide_banner -nostdin -y -i MDG_1373_MP4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=$ttf: text='%{pict_type} %{n} %{pts}': x=(w-text_w)/2: y=8: fontcolor=white: fontsize=20: box=1: boxcolor=black@0.3: boxborderw=5" -vcodec libx264 -crf 24 -preset veryfast tmp.mkv
ffmpeg -hide_banner -i "2020-08-04 08-49-58.mkv" -map 0:v -c:v copy -f nut - | ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -v warning -i - -vf "mpdecimate, drawtext=fontfile=the.ttf: text='%{pict_type} %{n} %{pts\:hms}': x=(w-text_w)/2: y=8: fontcolor=white: fontsize=20: box=1: boxcolor=black@0.3: boxborderw=5, setpts=N/(15*TB)" -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 dedup.mkv
for f in *.mp4; do printf '%s ' "$f"; nice ffprobe -threads 0 -hide_banner -v fatal -select_streams v:0 -show_frames -show_entries frame=pkt_dts_time -of compact=p=0:nk=1 "$f" | awk '$1>ts{ts=$1} {n+=1} END {printf "%d frames, %.2f seconds, %.3f fps\n",n,ts,n/ts}'; done
# awk expects "0.125000|0.125000|__" (pts|dts|flags)
# awk output "dts_now pts_now offset delta_dts delta_pts flags"
# 1st/2nd column yellow = keyframe
# 3rd column green = pts/dts offset zero
# 3rd column yellow = present in the future
# 3rd column purple = decode in the future (whoa)
# 4th column green = dts increased
# 4th column purple = dts decreased or stuck
# 5th column ****** = same except pts
# 6th column "K" = keyframe
ptschk() { nice ffprobe -threads 0 -hide_banner -v fatal -select_streams v:0 -show_entries packet=pts_time,dts_time,flags -of compact=p=0:nk=1 "$1" | awk -F\| 'BEGIN {printf "\033[36m\n";p2=0;d2=0} {p=$1+0.0;d=$2+0.0;f=$3;gsub(/_/," ",f)} p==d && d>d2 && p>p2 {printf "\033[A%s %s\n",f,p; d2=d;p2=p;next} {cf=(f~/K/)?33:0; cr=(d==p)?2:(d<p)?3:5; cd=(d>d2)?2:5; cp=(p>p2)?2:5; printf "\033[A\033[%dm%12.6f dts %12.6f pts \033[3%dm%8.3f diff \033[3%dm%8.3f \033[3%dm%8.3f\033[0m%4s\033[36m\n\n", cf,d,p,cr,p-d,cd,d-d2,cp,p-p2,f; d2=d;p2=p}'; }
# replaced by
ffchk_core() { local fn="$1"; pv -- "$fn" | { nice ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -nostdin -loglevel error -err_detect explode -xerror -i - -vcodec rawvideo -acodec pcm_s16le -pix_fmt yuv420p -f matroska /dev/null 2>&1 || echo err; } | sed '/./q' | grep -E . && return 1 || return 0; }
ffchk() { fn="$1"; printf '\n\033[36m/// %s\033[J\n\033[2A\033[33m' "$fn"; ffchk_core "$fn" && { printf '\033[0;30;42m o \033[0m \033[36m%s\033[0m\n' "$fn"; of=ok; } || { printf '\033[1;37;41m x \033[0m \033[36m%s\033[0m\n' "$fn"; of=err; }; printf '%s\n' "$fn" >> /dev/shm/ffchk.$of; }
# testcase: intentionally corrupt an mkv file
{ head -c 8000000 60sec.mkv; printf A; tail -c +8000002 60sec.mkv; } > 60sec-bad.mkv
rm /dev/shm/ffchk.*; for x in 60sec.mkv 60sec-bad.mkv; do ffchk "$x"; done | tee /dev/shm/ffchk.log
# full scan and verification of all media files inside and below current directory
rm /dev/shm/ffchk.*; find -type f | grep -iE '\.(mkv|webm|mp4|m4v|mov|h?264|avc|hevc|h?265|avi|ts|mpe?g2?|mpegts|mts2?|wmv|asf|rm|3gp|flv|hlv|vc1|m4a|mp3|m2a|ogg|oga|opus|flac|alac|ac3|ape|mka|mpc|tta|tak|ape|wv|aiff?|amr|au|wav|gsm|apng|webp|gifv)$' | sort | while IFS= read -r x; do ffchk "$x"; done | tee /dev/shm/ffchk.log
# NOTE: certain errors MAY be harmless such as "Truncating packet of size %d to %d" or even "[h264] no frame!"
# replaced by
# will only detect severe corruption -- replaces first line in the above
ffchk_core() { printf '\033[K'; { nice ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -nostdin -loglevel error -err_detect explode -xerror -i "$fn" -codec copy -f matroska /dev/null 2>&1 || echo err; } | sed '/./q' | grep -E . && return 1 || return 0; }
# create a testcase which this core should successfully detect
{ head -c 8000000 60sec.mkv; head -c 1024 /dev/zero; tail -c +8001026 60sec.mkv; } > 60sec-bad.mkv
levels() { ffmpeg -hide_banner -nostdin -i "$1" -af volumedetect -c:a pcm_s16le -f null - 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {vmax=0;vmean=0} !/^\[Parsed_volumedetect_0 @ [0-9a-fx]+\] / {next} $4=="max_volume:" {vmax=$(NF-1)} $4=="mean_volume:" {vmean=$(NF-1)} END {print vmax, vmean}'; }
# do it for all files below current folder
find -type f | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '%5s %5s %s\n' $(levels "$x") "$x"; done
# fast, tries to hit a perceived loudness of tgt=-14 LUFS, guarantees no clipping
# does not affect dynamics so a single loud sample will make it miss
# uses the levels() function above
norm() { tgt=-14; read vmax vmean <<<$(levels "$1"); read emax emean gain <<<$(awk -v tgt=$tgt -v vmax=$vmax -v vmean=$vmean 'END {d=tgt-vmean; if (vmax+d>=0) {d=(vmax>=-0.1)?0:(-1*vmax)-0.1} printf "%s %s %s\n", vmax+d, vmean+d, d}' </dev/null); printf '\n%5s %5s %s\n%5s %5s %5s\n' $vmax $vmean "$1" $emax $emean $gain; ffmpeg -hide_banner -nostdin -v warning -i "$1" -map 0:a:0 -af volume=${gain}dB -c:a libopus -b:a 128k "$1.opus"; }
# normalize all files in current folder
find -maxdepth 1 -type f | while IFS= read -r x; do norm "$x"; done
# slow, broadcast standard, MAY COMPRESS DYNAMICS
# some tracks are destroyed:
# target perceived volume I=-14 LUFS, compress dynamic range to LRA=11 LU, permit peaks up to TP=0 dBTP
# some (most?) broadcast studios require: I=-22, TP=-3 (-10 if brickwalled), LRA=18 or lower
# ebu_levels():
# mandatory arg1: input filename, outputs FFmpeg filter arguments
# ffmpeg prints json ("input_i" : "-13.53",), we need filter-args (measured_i=-13.53)
# need: input_i, input_tp, input_lra, input_thresh, target_offset
# ebu_norm():
# mandatory arg1: input filename, optional arg2: output from ebu_levels()
# note: if output is any other codec than opus, add -ar 44100 -sample_fmt s16
ebu_levels() { f="$1"; ffmpeg -hide_banner -nostdin -i "$f" -map 0:a:0 -af loudnorm=print_format=json:$ebu_args -c:a pcm_s16le -f null - 2>&1 | awk -F\" 'BEGIN {printf "loudnorm=linear=true"} !/^[ \t]*"(input|target)_/ {next} {sub(/input/,"measured");sub(/target_/,"");printf ":%s=%s",$2,$4} END {print ""}'; }
ebu_norm() { f="$1"; filt="$2"; [ -z "$filt" ] && filt="$(ebu_levels "$f" | tee /dev/stderr)"; ffmpeg -v warning -hide_banner -nostdin -i "$f" -map 0:a:0 -af $filt:print_format=summary:$ebu_args -c:a libopus -b:a 128k "$f.opus"; }
mpv --force-window --demuxer=lavf --lavfi-complex='[aid1] asplit [ao], afifo, dynaudnorm=25, showcqt=fps=60:size=1080x1920:bar_h=128:axis_h=0:basefreq=40:endfreq=10000, transpose=1, vflip, format=yuv420p [vo]'
# outputs a 1920x1080 png (trim 70x50 topleft, 48x49 bottomright)
spek() { ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -v warning -i "$1" -filter_complex '[0:a:0]showspectrumpic=s=1756x1024,crop=1920:1080:70:50[o]' -map '[o]' -c:v png "${1%.*}.spec.png"; };
# make sure the showspectrum dimensions are powers of two otherwise performance takes a nosedive
# choose your OS below and use this to generate some noise:
ffplay -f lavfi sine=1000:2 -af volume=8,volumedetect,volume=0.5
# optionally replace 'default' with a device from here: pactl list short sources
# use ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -f pulse -i default -filter_complex "[a:0]showspectrum=s=1024x576:fps=30:legend=1:slide=scroll:color=intensity:fscale=lin:orientation=horizontal:stop=3200,crop=1280:640,format=yuv420p[vo]" -map "[vo]" -f sdl -
# or use mpv:
mpv --force-window --lavfi-complex="[aid1]asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS,showspectrum=s=1024x576:fps=30:legend=1:slide=scroll:color=intensity:fscale=lin:orientation=horizontal:stop=3200,crop=1280:640,format=yuv420p[vo]" "av://pulse:default"
# note: more laggy and has higher latency than the linux ver -- compensate by reducing audio_buffer_size until it breaks
# first decide on a device to listen on:
ffmpeg -f dshow -list_devices 1 -i dummy
# then either use ffmpeg, recording from "Microphone (8- RODE NT-USB)"
ffmpeg -flush_packets 1 -flags low_delay -fflags nobuffer+fastseek+flush_packets -probesize 32 -analyzeduration 0 -f dshow -audio_buffer_size 50 -i "audio=Microphone (8- RODE NT-USB)" -filter_complex "[a:0]showspectrum=s=1024x192:fps=60:legend=1:slide=scroll:color=intensity:fscale=lin:orientation=horizontal:stop=6400,crop=1280:224,scale=h=ih*3,setsar=1/1,format=yuv420p[vo]" -map "[vo]" -f sdl -
# or use mpv, recording from "virtual-audio-capturer"
mpv --force-window "--lavfi-complex=[aid1]asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS,showspectrum=s=1024x192:fps=60:legend=1:slide=scroll:color=intensity:fscale=lin:orientation=horizontal:stop=6400,crop=1280:224,scale=h=ih*3,setsar=1/1,format=yuv420p[vo]" --demuxer-lavf-o=audio_buffer_size=50 "av://dshow:audio=virtual-audio-capturer" --framedrop=no --speed=1.1 --demuxer-thread=no --demuxer-cache-wait=no --cache-pause=no
# (good for detecting muted regions in VODs)
# `aplot foo.mkv` shows the highest audio level within each d=10 seconds
# writes the resulting plot to foo.mkv.audioplot
# -90 (big bar) = audio fully muted
# -0 (tiny bar) = audio full blast
aplot() { d=10; f="$1"; t=0; while true; do ffmpeg -hide_banner -v fatal -ss $t -i "$f" -map 0:a -c:a flac -t $d -f nut - | ffmpeg -hide_banner -i - -filter:a volumedetect -f null - 2>&1 | awk -v s=$t 'BEGIN {h=int(s/(60*60)); s-=h*60*60; m=int(s/60); s-=m*60; printf "%02d:%02d:%02d ",h,m,s; e1=1} !/^\[Parsed_volumedetect_[0-9] @ / {next} / n_samples: 0$/ {e2=1} / max_volume: / {e1=0; db=$(NF-1); n=int(-1*db); printf "%5s \033[1;46m%" n "s\033[0m\n", $(NF-1), ""} END {if (e1||e2) {print "eof";exit 1}}' || break; t=$((t+d)); done | tee "$f.audioplot"; }
# ~2x faster, works on windows (msys2), uses ~7 MiB of /dev/shm/ (or $TMPDIR if not linux (or ./ if shell broken))
# -90 (big bar) = audio fully muted,
# -0 (tiny bar) = audio full blast
aplot() { d=10; bd=8; f="$1"; td=/dev/shm; touch $td/aplot.nut || td="${TMPDIR:-.}"; f1="$td/aplot.nut"; f2="$td/aplot2.nut"; rm -f "$f1" "$f2"; t=$((-1*d*bd)); printf 'reading %s\n' "$f"; while true; do wait; mv -f "$f2" "$f1" 2>/dev/null || true; t2=$((t+d*bd)); nice ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -v fatal -ss $t2 -i "$f" -map 0:a -c:a pcm_s8 -sample_rate 22050 -t $((d*bd)) "$f2" & [ $t -lt 0 ] && { t=$t2; continue; }; for ((t2=0; t2<$bd; t2++)); do ffmpeg -hide_banner -v fatal -ss $((t2*d)) -i "$f1" -c:a pcm_s8 -t $d -f nut - | ffmpeg -hide_banner -i - -filter:a volumedetect -f null - 2>&1 | awk -v s=$t 'BEGIN {h=int(s/(60*60)); s-=h*60*60; m=int(s/60); s-=m*60; printf "%02d:%02d:%02d ",h,m,s; e1=1; e2=1} !/^\[Parsed_volumedetect_[0-9] @ / {next} / n_samples: / {e2=0} / n_samples: 0$/ {e2=1} / max_volume: / {e1=0; db=$(NF-1); n=int(-1*db); c=n>40?1:6; printf "%5s \033[1;4%sm%" n "s\033[0m\n",$(NF-1),c,""} END {if (e1||e2) {print "eof";exit 1}}' || { rm -f "$f1"; break; }; t=$((t+d)); done; [ -e "$f1" ] || break; done | tee "$f.audioplot"; rm -f "$f2" "$f1"; }
# pros: ~2x faster, less memory usage, less random access (better for remote files)
# cons: buggy! sporadically incorrect values (way too low) and the timestamps are a bit off
aplot() { d=10; attr=Peak_level; f="$1"; nice ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -i "$f" -map 0:a -af volumedetect,astats=metadata=1:length=1:reset=100:measure_perchannel=none:measure_overall=none+$attr,ametadata=print -c:a pcm_s8 -f null - 2>&1 | awk -v d=$d 'BEGIN {t0=-1; v=-100} function p(s,v) {h=int(s/(60*60)); s-=h*60*60; m=int(s/60); s-=m*60; w=(v>0)?0:-v; c=w<60?6:1; printf "%02d:%02d:%02d %6.1f \033[1;4%sm%" w "s\033[0m\n",h,m,s,v,c,""} /'$attr'=/ {sub(/.*[=]/,"");cv=($0=="-inf")?-100:$0; v=(cv>v)?cv:v; next} /pts_time:/ {sub(/.*:/,""); t=$0; if (t0==-1) {t0=t} t-=t0; if (t<nt) {next} while (t-nt>d/3) {p(nt,100); nt+=d} p(nt,v); nt+=d; v=-100; fflush()}' | tee "$f.audioplot"; }
# f = media file, csz = chunksize (seconds), sc = graph width (bigger=smaller)
bitgr() { f="$1"; csz=60; sc=50; ffprobe -hide_banner -v warning -show_packets -show_entries packet=pts_time,size -of compact=p=0:nk=1 "$f" | awk -v csz=$csz -v sc=$sc -F\| 'BEGIN {nt=csz} function hts(s) {h=int(s/(60*60)); s-=h*60*60; m=int(s/60); s-=m*60; return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",h,m,s)} function p() {sz/=128*csz; printf "%s %5d kbps \033[46m%" (sz/sc) "s\033[0m\n",hts(t),sz,""; t0=t; sz=0; while (nt<=t) {nt+=csz}} $1>t {t=$1} t>=nt {p()} {sz+=$2} END {p()}'; }
ffmpeg -i mono-as-stereo.mp3 -filter_complex '[0:a]channelsplit=channel_layout=stereo[L][R]; [R]volume=-1[invR]; [L][invR]amix=inputs=2,astats=measure_perchannel=none:measure_overall=none+Peak_level+RMS_level[out]' -map '[out]' -f null - 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {ret="bad-input"} !/RMS level dB:/{next} {ret="stereo"} $NF<-70{ret="mono"} END {print ret}'
find -type f | while IFS= read -r f; do s=$(ffmpeg -i "$f" -map 0:v:0 -c copy -f nut - 2>/dev/null | wc -c); printf '%d %s\n' "$s" "$f"; done | tee /dev/stderr | sort -n
# suggested replacement compression (f=filename)
ffmpeg -i "$f" -map 0:v:0 -c copy a.png &&
magick a.png -sampling-factor 4:4:4 -interlace Plane -quality 85% a.jpg &&
mv "$f" .a.mp3 && ffmpeg -i .a.mp3 -i a.jpg -map 0 -map -0:v -map 1:v -c copy "$f" && touch -r .a.mp3 "$f" && rm .a.mp3
# or just remove it
ffmpeg -i "$f" -map 0 -map -0:v -c copy new.mp3
find -type f | while IFS= read -r f; do inf="$(ffprobe -show_streams -select_streams a:0 "$f" 2>/dev/null | awk -F= 'BEGIN{r=0;f=0} /^sample_rate=/{r=$2} /^sample_fmt=/{f=$2} END{print r,f}')"; printf '%s %s\n' "$inf" "$f"; done | awk '$1>48000 || ($2!="s16" && $2!="fltp" && $2!=0)'
# and transcode it (example)
ffmpeg -nostdin -hide_banner -i "$f" -c copy -c:a flac -sample_fmt s16 -compression_level 8 .a.flac && touch -r "$f" .a.flac && mv -- .a.flac "$f"
vcmp() { crop=':v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, crop=400:600:640:210'; ffmpeg -i "$1" -i "$2" -filter_complex "[0$crop [v1]; [1$crop [v2]; [v1][v2] hstack=inputs=2" -vcodec rawvideo -f nut - | mpv -fs -; stty echo; }
# vcmp vp9-cpu0-crf50.webm vp9-q160.nut
# vcmp vp9-q160{,-hwscale}.nut
# i7-8700T (libvpx 1.8.1): 4.6 fps, 2280 kbps
# increase to 20 fps, 2750 kbps, similar visual quality for animated content: replace '-cpu-used 0 -crf 50' with '-cpu-used 5 -crf 48'
# note: yuv444p is possible but not recommended; speed and efficiency takes a nosedive
ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -i nostro-2016-10-umbrella-corp-10bit.mp4 -map 0:v -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -row-mt 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v 0 -cpu-used 0 -crf 50 vp9-cpu0-crf50.webm
# i7-8700T: 101 fps, 4818 kbps
# roughly similar results to the libvpx encode; same amount of detail for animated content but vp9_vaapi is sharper (more contrast, more noise)
# for colorspace resampling in hw, replace 'format=nv12|vaapi,hwupload' with 'hwupload,scale_vaapi=format=nv12' (reduce cpu load on some realtime transcodes, lower quality, pointless when gpu is saturated)
ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -init_hw_device vaapi=foo:/dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -hwaccel_device foo -i nostro-2016-10-umbrella-corp-10bit.mp4 -map 0:v -filter_hw_device foo -vf 'format=nv12|vaapi,hwupload' -vcodec vp9_vaapi -bsf:v vp9_raw_reorder,vp9_superframe -compression_level 1 -bf 1 -global_quality 160 -f matroska vp9-vaapi.mkv
# i7-8700T (libvpx 1.8.1): 19 fps, 2056 kbps
# increase to 95 fps, 3618 kbps, similar visual quality for animated content: replace '-cpu-used 0 -crf 60' with '-cpu-used 5 -crf 45'
ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -i nostro-2016-10-umbrella-corp-10bit.mp4 -t 60 -acodec libopus -b:a 128k -vcodec libvpx -b:v 0 -cpu-used 0 -crf 60 vp8-libvpx.webm
# i7-8700T: 92 fps, 7464 kbps, similar visual quality to libvpx for animated content
ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -init_hw_device vaapi=foo:/dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -hwaccel_device foo -i nostro-2016-10-umbrella-corp-10bit.mp4 -map 0:v -filter_hw_device foo -vf 'format=nv12|vaapi,hwupload' -vcodec vp8_vaapi -compression_level 1 -global_quality 60 -f matroska vp8-vaapi.mkv
ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 30 -s 800x600 -i :0.0+32,53 -vf mpdecimate=lo=9001:hi=512 -pix_fmt yuv444p -vcodec libx264 -tune animation -preset veryfast -qp 0 -threads 0 lsw-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).mkv; mpv $(ls -1tr lsw*.mkv | tail -n 1)
# `32,53` is the top-left offset (horizontal,vertical)
# `-qp 0` can be `-qp 20` to save space (some quality loss)
# `-vf mpdecimate` drops frames with difference <512 within any 8x8 block (eg. +/-128 in 4 pixels)
# preset ultrafast: 1.00x cpu, 1.00x filesize
# preset superfast: 1.49x cpu, 0.63x filesize
# preset veryfast: 1.71x cpu, 0.40x filesize
# preset faster: 2.55x cpu, 0.29x filesize
# preset fast: 2.58x cpu, 0.27x filesize
# preset medium: 3.14x cpu, 0.22x filesize
# on windows:
# use `gdigrab -i desktop` instead of `x11grab`
# if you need some screen activity to prevent excessive runs of no frames (which breaks mpv seeking), open another cmd and run `timeout 99999`
# i7-4770: decrease cpu load from 60% to 40% with vaapi colorspace conversion (single-sampled, less accurate, bad for text): replace 'format=nv12,hwupload' with 'hwupload,scale_vaapi=format=nv12', replace '-color_range tv' with '-color_range pc'
# replace '30' with fps
# replace '+0,0' with screen offset +x,y
# replace '1920x1080' with video resolution
# replace '25' with quality, lower=better/bigger
ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -f x11grab -r 30 -s 1920x1080 -i :0.0+0,0 -vf format=nv12,hwupload -c:v h264_vaapi -qp 25 -color_range tv -f matroska x11grab-h264-vaapi.mkv
# start receiving on a box named main-screen
mpv --profile=low-latency --untimed udp://main-screen:4321/
# cast using hw-encoding on a macos laptop (~0.06sec latency)
ffmpeg -f avfoundation -pixel_format nv12 -capture_cursor 1 -framerate 60 -i 'Capture screen 0' -c:v h264_videotoolbox -realtime 1 -b:v 4M -coder 0 -f mpegts udp://main-screen:4321/
# or using x264 (slower, better colors)
ffmpeg -f avfoundation -pixel_format bgr0 -capture_cursor 1 -framerate 60 -i 'Capture screen 0' -c:v libx264 -tune zerolatency -preset ultrafast -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv444p -f mpegts udp://main-screen:4321/
mpv --profile=low-latency tcp:// --untimed --opengl-glfinish=yes --opengl-swapinterval=0 --cache=no
# 0.034 sec latency
while true; do ffmpeg -nostdin -hide_banner -flush_packets 1 -fflags +nobuffer -flags +low_delay -f x11grab -framerate 60 -s 1920x1080 -i :0.0+0,0 -pix_fmt yuv444p -vcodec libx264 -tune zerolatency -preset ultrafast -g 30 -crf 32 -coder 0 -bf 0 -flags -loop -wpredp 0 -listen 1 -f nut tcp://; sleep 0.2; done
# since a recent ffmpeg build made tcp super slow
while true; do nice ffmpeg -nostdin -hide_banner -flush_packets 1 -fflags +nobuffer -flags +low_delay -flags2 fast -f x11grab -framerate 60 -s $(xrandr | awk '/ connected /{sub(/\+.*/,"");print$NF}') -i :0.0+0,0 -flags2 fast -pix_fmt yuv444p -vcodec libx264 -tune zerolatency -preset ultrafast -g 30 -crf 32 -coder 0 -bf 0 -flags -loop -wpredp 0 -flags2 fast -f mpegts udp:// ; sleep 0.2; done
# receive on windows:
mpv --profile=low-latency udp:// --untimed --opengl-glfinish=yes --opengl-swapinterval=0 --cache=no
# see alternatives below (keeping this to avoid killing links)
# live test: figure out what audio device to use: try hw:0 hw:1 hw:2 etc, maybe hw:0,1 hw:1,1 and so on
ffplay -f alsa -i hw:0
# then get a list of formats offered by the camera
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -list_formats all -i /dev/video0
# which goes something like
# Compressed: mjpeg : Motion-JPEG : 1280x720 800x600 640x480 320x240 160x120 640x360
# Raw : yuyv422 : YUYV 4:2:2 : 1280x720 800x600 640x480 320x240 160x120 640x360
# record to mkv and show a live preview
ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -f v4l2 -framerate 30 -video_size 1280x720 -input_format yuyv422 -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -i hw:0 -map 0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 5 -acodec flac -f matroska webcam.mkv -map 0:v -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - | mpv -profile=low-latency -
# WEBCAM: -f v4l2 -framerate 30 -video_size 1280x720 -input_format yuyv422 -i /dev/video0
# AUDIO: -f alsa -i hw:0
# CODEC: -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 5 -acodec flac -f matroska webcam.mkv
# MPV: -map 0:v -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe -
# then compress the recording
ffmpeg -i recording.mkv -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -preset slower -acodec libvorbis -q:a 5 recording-compressed.mkv
# live test: figure out what devices to use
ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices 1 -i ''
# permit camera access for Terminal inside System Prefrences » Security & Privacy » Privacy » Camera
# then record to mkv and show a live preview, src=video:audio, 0 is the first audio device (usually Microphone)
# (note the preview may have low FPS but the recording will be smooth)
# (note that audio disappears or becomes a mess if your computer can't keep up so use a smaller resolution if necessary, also )
src="FaceTime:0"; ffmpeg -y -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -pix_fmt bgr0 -i "$src" -pix_fmt yuv420p -map 0:v -vcodec rawvideo -f sdl webcam -map 0:v -map 0:a -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 5 -acodec flac -sample_fmt s16 recording.mkv
# then compress the recording
ffmpeg -i recording.mkv -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -preset slower -acodec libvorbis -q:a 5 recording-compressed.mkv
ffmpeg -y -i VID_20161231_232751.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -crf 25 -vf hqdn3d=luma_spatial=2,scale=848:480 -acodec copy korsk-live-1.mp4
ffmpeg -y -i VID_20161231_232751.mp4 -vcodec libvpx -deadline good -speed 1 -b:v 2M -crf 36 -vf hqdn3d=luma_spatial=2,scale=848:480 -acodec libvorbis -q:a 3 korsk-live-1.webm
rm -- *.webm; rm job*.sh; export jobs=2; job=0; ls -1 VID_20161105_* | while IFS= read -r fn; do job=$((job+1)); [ $job -gt $jobs ] && job=1; printf 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ed/pe/ffmpeg/lib/;\n/home/ed/pe/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -y -i "%s" -vf vidstabdetect=result="'trf$job.trf'" -f null -\n/home/ed/pe/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -y -i "%s" -vf vidstabtransform=input="'trf$job.trf'",unsharp=5:5:0.8:3:3:0.4,scale=848:480 -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis -speed 0 -b:v 2M -crf 45 -q:a 4 -threads 3 "%s.stab.webm"\n/home/ed/pe/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -y -i "%s" -vf scale=848:480 -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis -speed 0 -b:v 2M -crf 45 -q:a 4 "%s.webm"\n' "$fn" "$fn" "$fn" "$fn" "$fn" >> job$; done ; chmod 755 job*.sh
rename 's/.cdda//' -- *; ls -1 -- *.wav | while IFS= read -r x; do flac "$x"; done ; find -iname \*.flac | while IFS= read -r x; do printf "ffmpeg -i '%s' -vcodec libmp3lame -q:a 0 '%s'\n" "$x" "$(printf '%s' "$x" | sed -r 's/flac$/mp3/')"; done | sort > ; chmod 755 ; ./ ; mkdir flac ; mv -- *.flac flac ; mkdir mp3 ; mv -- *.mp3 mp3 ; rm -- *.wav
mkdir dec delta; rm d* e* m* o* dec/* delta/*; { printf "ffmpeg -y -i track09.flac orig.wav; "; for x in 320 {00..10}; do xn="$(echo "$x" | sed 's/^0//')"; [ "x$x" == "x320" ] && arg="" || arg="-V $xn"; printf "lame --preset insane -q 0 $arg --noreplaygain orig.wav e$x.mp3; ffmpeg -y -i e$x.mp3 d$x.wav; sox d$x.wav -c 1 -t sox - gain -n -B | sox -V -t sox - -n spectrogram -x 1820 -y 1025; mv spectrogram.png dec/$x.png; sox -v -1 d$x.wav d${x}i.wav ; sox -v 1 d${x}i.wav -m -v 1 o$x.wav m$x.wav ; sox m$x.wav -c 1 -t sox - gain -n -B | sox -V -t sox - -n spectrogram -x 1820 -y 1025; mv spectrogram.png delta/$x.png\n"; done; } > ; chmod 755 ; ./
ffmpeg -i some.mp4 -filter_complex "select='gt(scene\,0.3)',showinfo" -qscale:v 2 -vsync 0 %03d.png
keyframes() { ffprobe -threads 0 -select_streams v -show_frames -show_entries frame=pict_type,best_effort_timestamp_time,coded_picture_number,pkt_pos "$1" | awk -F= 'BEGIN{t0="a"} t0=="a"&&$1=="best_effort_timestamp_time"{t0=$2} {e=0} $0=="[/FRAME]"{e=1} e&&v["pict_type"]=="I"{t=v["best_effort_timestamp_time"]; m=int(t/60);s=t-m*60; t2=t-t0;m2=int(t2/60);s2=t2-m2*60; printf "%15s %6s %11.3f %4d:%06.3f %11.3f %4d:%06.3f\n",v["pkt_pos"],v["coded_picture_number"],t,m,s,t2,m2,s2;fflush(stdout)} e{delete v;next} {v[$1]=$2}'; }
# old version, will fail if there is side data due to longstanding ffmpeg bug in the csv output
keyframes() { ffprobe -threads 0 -select_streams v -show_frames -show_entries frame=pict_type,best_effort_timestamp_time,coded_picture_number -of csv "$1" | awk -F, '$3=="I" {print $2, $4}'; }
for fn in x264.mp4 x265.mp4; do ffmpeg -y -i "$fn" -vf 'select=eq(pict_type,PICT_TYPE_I)' -vsync vfr "$fn.%04d.png"; done
ffmpeg -ss 1:00 -i some.mkv -vf 'crop=1920:803:0:138' -r 1 -q:v 3 "some.%4d.jpg"
# terminal 1)
mkdir -p /dev/shm/sspng; rm /dev/shm/sspng; rm ss/*; for x in some.mkv; do ffmpeg -ss 1:00 -i "$x" -r 0.1 "/dev/shm/sspng/icmp.%8d.$x.png"; done
# terminal 2)
while true; do du -sh /dev/shm/sspng/; find /dev/shm/sspng -type f -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -n | sed -r 's/[^ ]* //' | head -n -1 | while IFS= read -r x; do fn="${x##*/}"; printf '%s\n' "$fn"; convert -quality 96% "$x" ss/"$fn.jpg" && rm "$x"; done; sleep 5; done
ffmpeg -y -i some.mp4 -filter_complex "select='gt(scene\,0.3)',showinfo" -qscale:v 2 -vsync 0 -f crc /dev/null 2>&1 | stdbuf -oL tr '\r' '\n' | stdbuf -oL grep 'plane_checksum:' | stdbuf -oL sed -r 's/.* pos: *//;s/ .*//' | while read x; do echo $((x-o)); o=$x; done
ffmpeg -pix_fmts 2>/dev/null | grep -E '^.O' | sed 's/^[^ ]* //;s/ .*//' | while IFS= read -r fmt; do ffmpeg -y -i whatever.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -deadline good -quality good -cpu-used 3 -frame-parallel 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -tile-columns 4 -auto-alt-ref 1 -crf 2 -b:v 2M -pix_fmt "$fmt" -t 0.5 tmp.webm 2>&1 | grep -qE 'Incompatible pixel format' || printf "FOUND COMPAT FMT %s\n" "$fmt"; done
ffmpeg -i $fn -vf showinfo -f null - 2>&1 | grep -E '^\[Parsed_showinfo_0 @ 0x' | sed -r 's/.* n: *([^ ]*).* pts_time: *([^ ]*).* pos: *([^ ]*).* type: *([^ ]).*/\2 \3 \1 \4/;s/^([0-9]*) /\1000000 /;s/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+) /\1000000 /;s/^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]{6})[0-9]* /\1\2 /;s/^-[^ ]* /0000000 /' | grep -E ' [IP]$' | tee $
max=3; origin=1400000000000000; rm -rf segs; mkdir segs; epoch=$origin; lpos=0; lnth=0; lseg='x'; cat $ | sed 's/^0*//' | while read time pos nth type; do time=$((time+origin)); [ $((nth-lnth)) -gt $max ] || [ $type == I ] && { echo "writing $epoch frames $lnth-$nth ($((nth-lnth))) bytes $lpos-$pos ($((pos-lpos))) ... next frame is $type"; seg=$epoch; [ $((nth-lnth)) -lt $((max-1)) ] && seg=$lseg; dd if=$fn of=segs/$seg skip=$lpos count=$((pos-lpos)) iflag=skip_bytes,count_bytes 2>/dev/null ; lseg=$seg; epoch=$time; lpos=$pos; lnth=$nth; }; done
fn="some.mkv"; t0=$(date +%s%N); sz=$(stat -c%s "$fn"); cat "$fn" | ffprobe -show_packets -show_data_hash crc32 -select_streams 0:v - | awk -F= 'BEGIN {expectsize='$sz'} /^\[\/PACKET\]$/ {printf "%s %s %s\n", hash, pts, size; tsize += size; nth = nth + 1; if (nth % 1024 == 0) {perc = tsize * 100.0 / expectsize; printf "%6.2f%%, %s packets, %s bytes\n", perc, nth, tsize > "/dev/stderr"}; pts=0; size=0} $1=="pts" {pts=$2} $1=="size" {size=$2} $1=="data_hash" {hash=substr($2,length($2)-7,length($2))} END {printf "processed %s packets, %s bytes\n", nth, tsize > "/dev/stderr"}' | pigz -c > "$fn.pkts"; t=$(date +%s%N); echo $t end; echo $t0 start; echo 000000$((t-t0)) | sed -r 's/0*(.*)(.{9})$/\1.\2 sec/'
pigz -d < "$fn".pkts | cut -c-8 | sort | uniq -cd | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}'
ffmpeg -re -i ~/sd/Movies/some.mkv -map 0:v -vf scale=480:-4 -vcodec libx264 -tune zerolatency -preset ultrafast -crf 36 -f mpegts udp://
ffplay udp://
# for example pixel3a videos where audio plays but video is frozen until the end of the file
ffprobe -hide_banner -show_packets -print_format csv -show_entries packet=pos,codec_type,pts_time,dts_time -- VID_20190616_015422.mp4
# spot the first packet from the delayed stream, for example: "packet,video,35.566633,35.566633,226311"
ffmpeg -itsoffset -35.566633 -i VID_20190616_015422.mp4 -i VID_20190616_015422.mp4 -map 0:v -map 1:a -codec copy VID_20190616_015422-fixed.mp4
# run this in two terminals to record 59min into each file, with 1min overlap
while true; do find ts -newermt "$(date -d '57 minute ago')" | grep -q . && echo -n . && sleep 3 && continue; (d=$(date +%Y-%m%d-%H%M%S); echo $d > ts; mkdir $d; cd $d; timeout 59m python3 ../; done
# TODO strip overlap and merge the parts into one file, maybe by dts/pts or keyframe checksums
# where every machine on the network is subscribed
# and unsubscribing is impossible (use iptables)
# also you might need to
ip route add dev eth0
mask=192.168.0; group=; group=
socat -vvv STDIO UDP4-DATAGRAM:$group:4321,range=$mask.0/24
mask=192.168.0; group=; group=
ip=$(ip addr | grep -F "inet $mask." | sed -r 's@[^\.]* ([^/]*)/.*@\1@' | head -n 1)
socat UDP4-RECVFROM:4321,ip-add-membership=$group:$ip,fork EXEC:hostname
socat -vvv UDP4-RECVFROM:4321,broadcast,fork EXEC:hostname
socat STDIO UDP4-DATAGRAM:$mask.255:4321,broadcast,range=$mask.0/24
mask=192.168.0; group=; group=
ip=$(ip addr | grep -F "inet $mask." | sed -r 's@[^\.]* ([^/]*)/.*@\1@' | head -n 1)
socat -vvv STDIO UDP4-DATAGRAM:$group:4321,bind=:4321,range=$mask.0/24,ip-add-membership=$group:$ip
socat -vvv STDIO UDP4-DATAGRAM:,bind=:4321,range=$mask.0/24,broadcast
srcdev=eth0; dstdev=eth1; port=3310; srcgrp=; dstgrp=
dstaddr=$(ip addr | awk '$1=="inet" && / '"$dstdev"'$/ {print $2}') #
dstprefix=${dstaddr##*/} # 26
dstip=${dstaddr%/*} #
dstbase=$(ipcalc -n $dstaddr | awk -F= '{print $2}') #
printf '[%s:%s] %s => %s [%s:%s] range [%s/%s]\n' $srcgrp $port $srcdev $dstdev $dstgrp $port $dstbase $dstprefix
socat UDP4-RECV:$port,bind=$srcgrp,ip-add-membership=$srcgrp:$srcdev,reuseaddr UDP4-DATAGRAM:$dstgrp:$port,range=$dstbase/$dstprefix
socat TCP-LISTEN:43214,reuseaddr,fork -
socat - TCP:
socat UDP-LISTEN:43214,reuseaddr -
socat - UDP:
# this expects a tcp chat server to connect to, for example:
ncat -l -p 41826
# in tmux, connect to a remote tcp socket (chat server):
ncat 41826
^b:pipe-pane -o "exec cat >>$HOME/log.tmux-$(date +%s)"
# in another window:
stdbuf -oL tail -Fn 100 log.tmux-1534058003 | while IFS= read -r ln; do printf '\033[0;34m%s\033[0m %s\n' "$(date +%d,%H:%M:%S)" "$ln"; su -c "notify-send message" ed; done | tee -a ~/chatlog
fgen() { t0=$(date +%s%N); yes hi | pv -i0.5 -Ss $((1000*1000*6)); t=$(date +%s%N); echo "(2*1000*1000)/(($t-$t0)/(1000*1000))" | tee /dev/stderr | bc | tee /dev/stderr; }
sgen() { for n in {1..20}; do printf 'hi\n'; read -t0.2; done; }
fgen | f >/dev/null
sgen | cat | f | cat
f() { awk '{print "\033[36m" strftime("%Y-%m%d-%H%M%S") "\033[0m " $0; system("")}'; }
# buffered: remove system("")
f() { python -uc 'import sys,time;[sys.stdout.write("".join(["\033[36m", time.strftime("%Y-%m%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime()), "\033[0m ", line])) for line in sys.stdin]'; }
# buffered: python -c
f() { python -uc 'import sys;from datetime import datetime;[sys.stdout.write("".join(["\033[36m","%Y-%m%d-%H\033[35m%M\033[36m%S.%f")[:-3], "\033[0m ", line])) for line in sys.stdin]'; }
# buffered: python -c
f() { perl -pe 'use POSIX strftime; print strftime "\033[36m%Y-%m%d-%H%M%S\033[0m ", localtime'; }
f() { perl -pe 'use POSIX strftime; use Time::HiRes gettimeofday; ($s,$ms)=gettimeofday(); $ms=substr(q(000).$ms,-3); print strftime "\033[36m%Y-%m%d-%H\033[35m%M\033[36m%S.$ms\033[0m ", localtime($s)'; }
f() { ts $'\033''[36m%Y-%m%d-%H%M%S'$'\033[0m'; }
f() { perl -pe 'use POSIX strftime; $|=1; select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]); print strftime "\033[36m%Y-%m%d-%H%M%S\033[0m ", localtime'; }
# first $|=1 sets unbuffered stdout, second sets unbuffered stderr, select(select) restores stdout as write target
f() { perl -pe 'use POSIX strftime; use Time::HiRes gettimeofday; $|=1; select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]); ($s,$ms)=gettimeofday(); $ms=substr(q(000).$ms,-3); print strftime "\033[36m%Y-%m%d-%H\033[35m%M\033[36m%S.$ms\033[0m ", localtime($s)'; }
x64 -sidenginemodel 256 -sidstereo 1 -sidstereoaddress 0xd420 -residsamp 1 -fs8 . -device8 1 -autostartprgmode 0 -autostart SID-Wizard-2SID.prg
cr="$(printf '\r\n')"; send="type --args 1 --delay 20 --clearmodifiers --"; xdotool sleep 0.2 search --name 'QEMU \(w7vm\)' windowactivate $send "root$cr" sleep 0.3 $send "setup-interfaces$cr${cr}$cr$cr$cr${cr}service networking restart${cr}nc 43214 > /dev/null$cr"
xdotool sleep 0.2 key alt+Tab; xdotool sleep 0.2 key Right Down Down Down Right shift+t Left Left Down alt+Tab; xdotool sleep 0.2 key Up
fn=xx; for n in {1..10}; do rm -- "$fn"; fn="$(ls -1Sr | tail -n 1)"; curl -F "f[]"=@"$fn" -H 'Connection: close' | grep 'you upped' || break; sleep 0.2; done;
mpv -fs -vo vaapi -hwdec=vaapi -ss 200
res=$(fbset | awk '$1=="geometry"{printf "%sx%s",$2,$3;exit}') # 1920x1080 or such
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc2=$res:r=60 -c:v rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -f nut - 2>/dev/null | mpv -vo drm -
# from: N 60, 25, 39.21, E 7, 15, 12.76
# to: N 60°25'39.21", E 7°15'12.76"
xclip -o | sed -r "s/.*([NS])[, ]+([0-9]+)[, ]+([0-9]+)[, ]+([0-9\.]+)[, ]+([EW])[, ]+([0-9]+)[, ]+([0-9]+)[, ]+([0-9\.]+).*/\1 \2°\3'\4\", \5 \6°\7'\8\"/"
# produces: N 60°25'39.21", E 7°15'12.76"
# assumes exiftool emits [GPS Position : 60 deg 25' 39.21" N, 7 deg 15' 12.76" E]
exiftool IMG_20190724_162031.jpg | awk '!/^GPS Position +:/ {next} {gsub(/[:,]| deg |GPS Position/," ");printf "%s %s°%s%s, %s %s°%s%s", $4,$1,$2,$3,$8,$5,$6,$7}'
# input file 1, stock config, "retroarch.cfg"
# input file 2, your config, "~/sd/res/cfg/retroarch.cfg.2"
cd ~/sd/Android/data/com.retroarch.aarch64/files && diff -wNarU0 <(sort retroarch.cfg) <(sort ~/sd/res/cfg/retroarch.cfg.2) | tail -n +3 | grep -vE '^@@ ' | grep -E '^\+' | cut -c2- > ~/sd/res/cfg/retroarch.cfg.2d
git log | awk '/^commit/{print$2}' | while read c;do echo $c; git checkout $c && diff -wNarU3 copyparty/ ~/dev/copyparty/copyparty/ >diff.$c;done
vboxmanage internalcommands sethduuid $vdi
VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/Customizations noMenuBar,noStatusBar
vboxmanage modifyhd test.vdi --compact
vboxmanage clonehd $old $new --variant Standard
vboxmanage clonehd $old $new --variant Fixed
vboxmanage modifyhd $vdi --resize nMegabytes
vboxmanage modifyvm $vm_name --biossystemtimeoffset $((1000*60*60*24*31))
rmmod nbd
modprobe nbd max_part=8
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 hdd/sda
mount /dev/nbd0p2 /media/vm
umount /dev/nbd0p2
qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0
# (assumes 2nd partition is the one that requires crunching)
# (assumes partclone is not going to corrupt your filesystem)
cp orig.qcow2 opt.qcow2
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 orig.qcow2
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd1 opt.qcow2 --discard=unmap --detect-zeroes=unmap
blkdiscard -f /dev/nbd1p2
partclone.ntfs -b -s /dev/nbd0p2 -O /dev/nbd1p2
qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0
qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd1
cd "$(find ~/aports/testing/ -name APKBUILD -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -n | tail -n 1 | sed -r 's/[^ ]* //;s/.APKBUILD$//')"; ot=0; abuild checksum; while true; do t=$(stat -c%Y APKBUILD); read -u1 -r -t 0.2 && ot=0; [[ "$t" == "$ot" ]] && continue; ot=$t; abuild -rK && break; echo '@@@'; pwd; ls src/*; done; echo; tar -tvf "$(find ~/packages/ -type f -iname \*.apk -printf '%T@ %p\n' | grep -vE -- '-(dbg|dev|doc)-' | sort -n | sed -r 's/[^ ]* //' | tail -n 1 | tee /dev/stderr)"
attr=pkgver; cd ~/dev/aports; git status | grep -E $'^\t.*/$' | cut -c2- | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '%-36s' "$x"; grep -E "^$attr=" "$x/APKBUILD"; done
for attr in pkgname pkgver pkgrel pkgdesc url arch license depends depends_dev subpackages source builddir; do cd /rw/home/ed/aports; git status | grep -E $'^\t.*/$' | cut -c2- | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '%s %s\n' "$(grep -E "^$attr=" "$x/APKBUILD")" "$x"; done | sort | sed -r 's/(.*) (.*)/\2 \1/' | while IFS=' ' read -r x y; do printf '%-36s %s\n' "$x" "$y"; done; echo; done
git status | grep -E $'^\t' | cut -c2- | sed -r 's/^modified: +//' | sort | while IFS= read -r x; do find "$x" -type f | grep -vE '/(src|pkg)/' | sort; done | tar -czvf ../aports-$(date +%Y-%m%d-%H%M%S).tgz -T-
cat /etc/apk/world | grep -vE '^(alpine-|ccache)' | sed -r 's/>.*//' | while IFS= read -r x; do sudo apk del "$x"; done
sudo apk del $(cat /etc/apk/world | grep -vE '^(alpine-|ccache)' | sed -r 's/>.*//' | tr '\n' ' ')
[[ -e hits ]] || { find -name APKBUILD | sort | while IFS= read -r x; do grep -E '^[^a-zA-Z]*[a-zA-Z]*depends(_dev)?=' -HA3 "$x" | grep -iE 'python[23]?-dev' ; done | sed -r 's@/APKBUILD[:-].*@@' | uniq | while IFS= read -r x; do grep -E '^subpackages=' -HA5 "$x/APKBUILD" | grep -i dev; done | sed -r 's@/APKBUILD[:-].*@@' | uniq | tee hits; };
{ cat ~/.vimrc; printf '%s\n' 'set nocompatible' 'nnoremap k :q!<CR>'; } > hits.vim; n=1; clear; while true; do printf '\033[H'; fn=$(head -n $n hits | tail -n 1); { head -n $((n-1)) hits | tail -n 20; printf '\033[1;33m%s\033[0m\n' $fn; tail -n +$((n+1)) hits | head -n 20; } | sed -r "$(printf 's/$/\033[K/')"; printf '\033[J'; read -u1 -n1 -r; [[ $REPLY == j ]] && n=$((n-1)); [[ $REPLY == n ]] && n=$((n+1)); [[ $REPLY == k ]] && vim -u hits.vim "$fn/APKBUILD"; done
d1=~/dev/aports; d2=~/dev/ao/rw/home/ed/aports/; : >|/dev/shm/apkhits; for x in bchunk lsmash vamp-sdk zimg py2-pgen py3-pgen py-cython; do cd $d1; p=$(find -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -name $x); echo $p | tee -a /dev/shm/apkhits; cd $p; $d2/$p | grep -vE '^(pkg|src)/|^\.build'; done; echo; cat /dev/shm/apkhits; echo; cd $d1; echo $d2;
remote=~/dev/ao/rw/home/ed/aports/; local=~/dev/aports; cd $local; git status | grep -E $'^\t.*/$' | cut -c2- | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '\n\n\n%s\n' "$x"; cd "$local/$x"; "$remote/$x" | grep -vE ' \.buildtime' | tee /dev/shm/memes; grep -qE ' APKBUILD$' /dev/shm/memes && cdiff "$local/$x/APKBUILD" "$remote/$x/APKBUILD"; done
find -name APKBUILD | while IFS= read -r x; do name="$(grep -E '^pkgname=' "$x" | sed -r 's/[^=]*=//;s/^"(.*)"$/\1/')"; printf '%s\n' "$x" | grep -qF "/$name/" || printf '\033[36m%s \033[33m%s\033[0m\n' "$x" "$name"; done
/find ~/packages/ -iname '*zimg*' | while IFS= read -r x; do printf '\n\n\033[35m%s\033[0m\n' "$x"; tar -tvf "$x"; done
apk policy \* | awk 'function chk() {if (tag&&inst) {printf "%s %s\n", tag, pkg}} /^[^ ]/ {pkg=$1;next} /^ [^ ]/ {tag=0;inst=0;next} /@/ {tag=$1;chk()} /db\/installed/ {inst=1;chk()}'
find /mnt/sda_ov/ -printf '%M %T@ %s %p -> %l\n' > /dev/shm/lext4
rfl() { find -type f -printf '%p // %l [%M/%s/%g:%u] @%T@\n' | sed -r 's/\.[0-9]+$//' | pv | sort; }
# compare folders 1t and t5 which exist on both disks zq1 and sdg_ov
disks=(zq1 sdg_ov)
dirs=(1t t5)
for disk in "${disks[@]}"; do (cd "$disk"; for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do (cd "$dir"; rfl > /dev/shm/rl."$disk.$dir"); done); done
for f in /dev/shm/rl.*; do sed -ri 's` \[[drwx-]{10}/([^]]+\] @[0-9]+$)` \[\1`' "$f"; done # remove modes/
for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do cdiff /dev/shm/rl.*."$dir"; done
for x in sda_ov sdb1_ov; do cd /mnt/$x; find '(' -not -type d ')' -printf '%p -> %l %s @%T@\n' | pv | sort > /dev/shm/$x; done
cdiff /dev/shm/sd{a,b1}_ov | less -R
cat tr1.2 | sed -r 's@b1_ov/tr1@a_ov@' | sort > sdb
diff sda sdb | grep -E 'sda_ov/n5x/pics/[^/]* ->' | sed -r 's/^[<>] [^ ]* [^ ]* [^ ]* //;s/ -> .*//' | grep -vE '/comp$' | while IFS= read -r x; do cp -pvR "$x" /home/ed/sda-rescue/pics/; done
for x in *.mkv; do ffmpeg -i "$x" -map 0:a -acodec libvorbis -q:a 4 "$x.ogg" < /dev/null; done
mkvmerge -o "output.mkv" -A -S -T -M -B --no-chapters 'bluray.mkv' 'bluray.mkv.ogg' -D -A 'fansub.mkv'
cdparanoia -B; cd-info --no-cddb --no-cddb-cache --no-device-info --no-disc-mode --no-ioctl --no-header 2>&1 | tee cdinfo; chown -R ed.ed /home/ed/Music
rename 's/.cdda//' -- *
ls -1 -- *.wav | while IFS= read -r x; do flac "$x"; done
rm -- *.wav
cat cdinfo | grep CD-TEXT -A10 | iconv -t CP819 | iconv -f CP932 > /dev/shm/tmp.cdtext
ntracks=$(grep -E '^CD-ROM Track List \(' cdinfo | sed -r 's/.* //;s/.$//'); for (( n=1; n<=$ntracks; n++ )); do na=1; while [ $na -lt 99 ]; do cat /dev/shm/tmp.cdtext | grep -E "^CD-TEXT for Track *$n:" -A$na | grep '^CD-TEXT' | wc -l | grep -qE '^1$' || break; na=$((na+1)); done ; cat /dev/shm/tmp.cdtext | grep -E "^CD-TEXT for Track *$n:" -A$na | grep -E '^.PERFORMER:' | head -n 1 | sed 's/[^:]*: //' | awk 'NR > 1 { print prev } { prev=$0 } END { ORS=""; print }' > /dev/shm/tmp.artist; cat /dev/shm/tmp.cdtext | grep -E "^CD-TEXT for Track *$n:" -A$na | grep -E '^.TITLE:' | head -n 1 | sed 's/[^:]*: //' | awk 'NR > 1 { print prev } { prev=$0 } END { ORS=""; print }' > /dev/shm/tmp.title; { stat -c %s /dev/shm/tmp.artist | grep -qE '^0$' && printf '' || { cat /dev/shm/tmp.artist; printf ' !@# '; }; cat /dev/shm/tmp.title; }; echo; done > list
name=whatever withOUT trailing slash
for x in mp3 ogg; do scp -r "$x/$name" dn:/web/www/some.domain/music/$x/; done
printf %s '-----END XLD SIGNATURE-----' | xxd -p
/home/ed/bin/bgrep 58204c6f73736c657373204465636f6465722076657273696f6e2032 numbergirl.dump ; echo ; /home/ed/bin/bgrep 2d2d2d2d2d454e4420584c44205349474e41545552452d2d2d2d2d numbergirl.dump
numbergirl.dump: 00000e23
numbergirl.dump: 00008745
numbergirl.dump: 00010d15
numbergirl.dump: 00005f12
numbergirl.dump: 0000f2cd
numbergirl.dump: 00017704
printf '00000e23 00005f12\n00008745 0000f2cd\n00010d15 00017704\n0001933d 0001fb53\n00024b7a 000254e4\n'
00000e23 00005f12
00008745 0000f2cd
00010d15 00017704
printf '00000e23 00005f12\n00008745 0000f2cd\n00010d15 00017704\n0001933d 0001fb53\n00024b7a 000254e4\n' | while read start end ; do o1=$(printf %d 0x$start); o2=$(printf %d 0x$end); len=$((o2+28-o1)); dd if=numbergirl.dump bs=1 skip=$o1 count=$len of=recovered.$o1 ; done
# on server, set up a relay:
socat TCP-LISTEN:42827,reuseaddr,fork TCP:
# exci (target/connectee NAT) should run
ssh -f -N -T -R42826: exci@tower
# ed (source/connecting NAT) should run
ssh ed@tower -p 42827
# on public relay server, set up a relay:
while true; do socat TCP4-L:42835,reuseaddr TCP4-L:42836,reuseaddr; sleep 5; done
# exci (target/connectee NAT) should run
while true; do socat TCP4: TCP4:tower:42835; sleep 4; done
# ed (source/connecting NAT) should run
ssh root@tower -p 42836
cat ~/maps | grep -E ' rw-p ' | sed -r 's/^([^ -]*)-([^ ]*) .*/0x\1 0x\2/' | awk --non-decimal-data '{v = $2 - $1; sum += v; print v} END {printf(fmt,sum)}' fmt="%'.f\n"
ov="$(du -sh . ; date )"; ls -1 | grep -E '\.log$' | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g' | while IFS= read -r x; do echo -- "$x"; gzip -- "$x"; done ; echo "$ov"; date ; du -sh .
ls -1 | grep -E '^20' | while IFS= read -r dir; do echo "$dir"; cd "/home/ed/inc/log/$dir" ; ls -1 | grep -E '\.log$' | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g' | while IFS= read -r x; do echo -n .; gzip -- "$x"; done; echo; done
cat ../htc/Music/ | while IFS= read -r x;do fn="$(echo "$x" | sed -r 's/.{36}//')"; sum="$(echo "$x" | sed -r 's/(.{32}).*/\1/')"; ck="$(md5sum "$fn" | sed -r 's/(.{32}).*/\1/')"; [ "x$sum" == "x$ck" ] && rm "$fn"; echo "$fn"; done
sleep 1; alias t='xdotool type --delay 1'; alias k='xdotool key --delay 1'; k slash d h c p Return c w s t a t i c Return Tab; t 'address'; k Return Tab; t 'netmask'; k Return Tab; t 'gateway'; k Return Tab Escape colon w q
cat /var/log/mumble-server/mumble-server.log.1 /var/log/mumble-server/mumble-server.log | grep -E ' => <[0-9]{1,5}:.*\([0-9-]{1,4}\)> (Authenticated|Connection closed)' | sed -r 's/^<.>[^>]*=> <[0-9]*:(.*)\([0-9-]{1,6}\)> (Authenticated|Connection).*/\1 \2/' | tac > status
cat status | sed 's/[()]//g' | sort | uniq -w 60 | sed -r 's/ *[ ]{50}.*//' | grep -vE '^\b*$' | while IFS= read -r nick;do cat status | grep -E "^${nick}[ ]{50}" | head -n 1; done > status2
cat status2 | sed 's/</\</g;s/>/\>/g' | sed 's/Connection$/<span class="offline">/;s/Authenticated$/<span class="online">/' | sed -r 's/^(.*[^ ]) *[ ]{50}(<span.*)$/\2\1<\/span>/' > status3
find -iname \*.ftm | while IFS= read -r x; do fn="${x##*/}"; sum="${fn%%.*}"; find ~/ftm/ | grep -qE "$sum" || printf '%s\n' "$x"; done
find -iname \*.ftm | while IFS= read -r x; do tmp="${x##*/}"; sum="${tmp%%.*}"; fn="$sum-$(grep -E "^$sum" ../m2/the.md5 | head -n 1 | sed -r 's@.*/@@')"; loc="$HOME/ftm/$fn"; printf ' %s\n\033[A' "$fn"; [[ -e "$loc" ]] && { [[ "$loc" -nt "$x" ]] || { printf '\033[1;34mskip\033[0m\n'; continue; }; printf '\033[1;33mtouch\033[0m\n'; touch -r "$x" -- "$loc"; continue; }; printf '\033[1;32mnew\033[0m\n'; cp -p -- "$x" "$loc"; done
find /home/ed/3ds -type f | sed -r 's/.{13}//' | grep -vE '^(ed|.src)/' | sort > ~/a; find /media/usb0/ -type f | sed -r 's/.{12}//' | grep -vE '^(Nintendo 3DS)/' | grep -vE '\.(bmp|world|mp3|sav|srm)$' | sort > ~/b; diff ~/a ~/b
cd /sys/bus/pci/drivers/xhci_hcd/; echo 0000:* > unbind; echo 0000:* > bind