
# oneliners2html.php
# ed <irc.rizon.net>, MIT-licensed
# https://ocv.me/doc/unix/oneliners/?dat=sauce

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
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header('Expires: Sat, 09 Jan 2009 09:09:09 GMT');

if (isset($_GET['dat']) && $_GET['dat']=='sauce')
    die(highlight_file('index.php') && '');

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<h1>mostly unorganized collection of bash oneliners</h1>
<div id="head">
    <p>this place is not a place of honor</p>
    <p>nix.sh, <a href="//ocv.me/doc/unix/oneliners/">ocv.me/doc/unix/oneliners/</a>
    &nbsp;anno <?php
        $t = filemtime('nix.sh');
        print date('Y-m-d, H:i:s', $t);
    <p>ctrl-f something and you might get lucky (or use the TOC below)</p>
    <p>you may also be interested in the <a href="nix.sh">plaintext edition</a> or the <a href="?dat=sauce">php</a></p>

function esc($txt)
    return str_replace(
        array('&amp;','&lt;','&gt;'), $txt);

function linkify($hit)
    return '<a href="'.$hit[0].'">'.$hit[0].'</a>';

function parse($print)
    $fh = fopen('nix.sh', 'rb');
    if (!$fh) die('EPERM');

    if (fgets($fh) === false) return;
    if (fgets($fh) === false) return;
    if (fgets($fh) === false) return;

    $toc = [];
    $cat = [];
    $buf = '';
    $was_blank = false;
    while (($ln = fgets($fh)) !== false)
        $ln = esc(rtrim($ln, "\r\n"));

        if (substr($ln, 0, 2) === '##')
            $buf .= ltrim(substr($ln, 2), ' ') . "\n";
        if (substr($ln, 0, 1) === '#' && $was_blank)
            $crc = hash('crc32b', $ln);
            if ($print)
                echo "\r\n<h2><a id=\"$crc\" href=\"#$crc\">$ln</a></h2>\r\n";
                $cat[] = [$crc, ltrim(substr($ln, 1))];
            $was_blank = false;
        if ($ln === '' && $buf !== '')
            $buf = trim($buf, "\n");
            if ($print)
                echo "\r\n<h1>" . $buf . "</h1>\r\n";
                //$cat = [];
                //$toc[] = [$buf, &$cat];
                $toc[] = [$buf, []];
                $cat = &$toc[count($toc)-1][1];
            $was_blank = true;
            $buf = '';
        $was_blank = ($ln === '');
        if (!$print)

        // inline comments
        if (preg_match("/(.*)#([^'\"#]+)\$/", $ln, $m) === 1)
            $ln = $m[1] . '<span class="cmt">#' . $m[2] . '</span>';
        // full-line comments
        if (preg_match("/^( *#.*)\$/", $ln, $m) === 1)
            $ln = '<span class="cmt">' . $m[1] . '</span>';

        // links
        $ln = preg_replace_callback("/(https?:\/\/[^][\")^\\\\<> ]+)/", 'linkify', $ln);
        echo "<pre>" . $ln . "</pre>\r\n";
    return $toc;

$toc = parse(false);

echo <<<EOT
    <div id="toc">
    <h6>TOTOC (TOC categories)</h6>
foreach ($toc as &$th)
    $ca = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '-', $th[0]);
    echo "<a href=\"#$ca\">${th[0]}</a>\n";

foreach ($toc as &$th)
    $ca = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '-', $th[0]);
    echo "<h6 id=\"$ca\">${th[0]}</h6>\n";
    foreach ($th[1] as &$te)
        echo "<a href=\"#${te[0]}\">${te[1]}</a>\n";

echo <<<EOT
    <div id="sh">

